Pasturella canis

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Phylum: Proteobacteria

Class: Gammaproteobacteria

Order: Pasteurellales

Genus: Pasteurella

Species: Pasteurella canis

NCBI: Taxonomy

Blood agar plate with P. canis colonies to illustrate its colony growth patterns and distinct color. From: Pasturella canis

Description and significance

Pasteurella canis, from Latin, canis ("dog") is a group of bacterial strains which are isolated from the oral and respiratory tracts of a wide variety of animals, including dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, sheep, cattle, ferrets, deer, and even california sea lions!(1-6) As such, “Micrococcus gallicidus,” from Latin, gallus ("cock"); and -cida ("murderer,") was the first scientific name used for these bacteria. (7,8) For a short time, they were unofficially placed in several different genera, such as Octopsis, Coccobacillus, and Eucystia. In 1887, the genus name “Pasteurella” was proposed to honor Louis Pasteur for his critical discoveries in the field of microbiology.(9)

Gram stain of P. canis to illustrate its gram negative property and rod-like morphology. From: Pasturella canis

Before current modern molecular technology was available, species were often labeled based on staining and the hosts from where species were isolated. Accordingly, the name "multocida" from Latin, multi (“much, many”), and -cida (“murderer”) was ultimately adopted to represent all the Pasteurella species.(9) Up until 1932, the genus Pasteurella only consisted of Pasteurella multocida. In 1985, however, Pasteurella underwent taxonomic reclassification based on DNA hybridization, this lead to taxonomists creating entire new Pasturella species, including our friend, P canis. P. canis, now newly classified, was found to include two biotypes: biovar 1, which originates primarily from canines, and biovar 2, a type originating in bovines.

Genome and genetics

a. To what major branch of the prokaryotes do they belong? (see textbook or Bergey’s). List 2-3 closely related but separate species or genera of bacteria.

Unfortunately, the genome sequence of P. canis has yet to be sequenced. However, as it is closely related to <P. multicida, a bit of relevant information may be gained by looking at the genome of its relative. To sequence the genome of P. multicide, May et al, used the random shotgun approach to generate more than 53,000 sequence fragments from strain Pm70, which they then assembled into a single circular sequence of 2,257,487 base pairs. The putative origin of replication of the chromosome was identified on the basis of the presence of dnaA boxes, characteristic oligomer skew, and G-C skew immediately before the first putative coding sequence, gidA. The entire sequence specified 2,014 potential coding DNA sequences with an average size of 998 base pairs, which in sum accounted for 89% of the entire chromosome. The remaining 11% of the sequence consisted of 6 complete rRNA operons, 57 tRNA genes representing all 20 amino acids, and a relatively small number of noncoding elements. Sequence comparisons identified 200 CDSs (10%) unique to Pm and 1,197 CDSs with orthologs in both the Hi and Escherichia coli (Ec) genomes. Because 26% of the CDSs were most similar to hypothetical proteins of unknown functions, as is seen in other completed microbial genomes, a substantial portion of P. multicida’s biochemistry and cell biology remains to be discovered.(10)

Phylogenetic tree of P. canis with closely related species. From: Research Gate

Nutrition and metabolism

a.Describe the growth characteristics of your bacterial species; sources of C, N, electrons; respires/ferments, uses O2, etc. b.What kinds of culture conditions (temp, pH, media) are needed for laboratory study? c.What kinds of waste, by-products, volatile compounds are generated?

All of the currently reported P. canis strains are gram-negative, oxidase-positive, nonmotile, fermentative rods.(11,12) From laboratory observation and culture, it has been noted that colonies of P. canis are non-acid-fast and bipolar stained.(13, 14) Colonies grow well on 5 percent sheep blood (the preferred culture medium), chocolate, or Mueller-Hinton agar; growth is uncommon on MacConkey's agar. Colonies of P. canis are 1 to 2 mm in diameter after 24 hours of growth at 37ºC and are opaque and grayish(15) . A slight greening underneath the colonies may be noted. Most strains recovered from clinical specimens are catalase, oxidase, indole, sucrose, and decarboxylate ornithine-positive. The indole-positive species exhibit a mouse-like odor. Media containing vancomycin, clindamycin, and/or amikacin have been used to select for Pasteurella<siup>(16). Potential bacterial virulence factors include the capsule, lipopolysaccharide, sialidases, hyaluronidase, surface adhesins, iron acquisition proteins.(17)

Ecology / Pathology

Ecology: How is your microorganism important in the ecosystem where it is found? How does it impact other organisms in the environment (could be positive or negative impact)? Pathology: How does the microbe cause disease as it interacts with the host? Describe any specific toxins or pathways that are used for invading and causing disease in the host. What treatment is used to inhibit or kill the microbe?

Current Research

Describe recent research and findings that have been done with this organism. The research can be clinical, applied or basic research. This section should be based on 2 recent papers (10 years or less) and summarized in your own words. References

The format for citations and for the “References” list will follow the “Citation—Name” Council of Science Editors (CSE) format, as the suggested formatting method listed on the MicrobeWiki Home page. The reference list will be numbered based on an alphabetical list of the first author’s last name. A style guide for the CSE format can be found here:

For an example, see this entry:


(1) Haraa, Hiroyuki, et al. "Pasteurella canis osteomyelitis and cutaneous abscess after a domestic dog bite." Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 46.5 (2002): S151-S152.

(2) Biberstein, Ernst L., et al. "Distribution of indole-producing urease-negative pasteurellas in animals." Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 3.4 (1991): 319-323.

(3) Bourgault, Andree, Rianatou Bada, and Serge Messier. "Isolation of Pasteurella canis from a foal with polyarthritis." The Canadian Veterinary Journal 35.4 (1994): 244.

(4) Hansen, Mie Johanne, et al. "Occurrence of Pasteurellaceae bacteria in the oral cavity of selected marine mammal species." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 43.4 (2012): 828-835.

(5) Sarkozi, R., L. Makrai, and L. Fodor. "Characterization of Pasteurella species isolated from oral cavity of cats." Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja 133.9 (2011): 540-545.

(6) Yefet, E., et al. "Unusual infection--Pasteurella canis bacteremia in a child after exposure to rabbit secretions." Harefuah 150.1 (2011): 13-5.

(7) Albert, T. J., and Dennis L. Stevens. "The first case of Pasteurella canis bacteremia: a cirrhotic patient with an open leg wound." Infection 38.6 (2010): 483-485.

(8) Rashid, Noor-Khairul, et al. "Pasteurella canis isolation following penetrating eye injury: a case report." Case reports in ophthalmological medicine 2012 (2012).

(9) Christensen, Henrik, et al. "Revised description and classification of atypical isolates of Pasteurella multocida from bovine lungs based on genotypic characterization to include variants previously classified as biovar 2 of Pasteurella canis and Pasteurella avium." Microbiology 150.6 (2004): 1757-1767.

(10) May, Barbara J., et al. "Complete genomic sequence of Pasteurella multocida, Pm70." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98.6 (2001): 3460-3465.

(11) Bergey (figure out how to cite)

(12) Illinois Industrial University (Urbana, and Ill.). Board of Trustees. Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University. Illinois Industrial University, 1869.

(13) Burrill, T.J. "New species of Micrococcus (bacteria)". Am. Nat. 17: 319–320.

(14) Mutters, R., et al. "Reclassification of the genus Pasteurella Trevisan 1887 on the basis of deoxyribonucleic acid homology, with proposals for the new species Pasteurella dagmatis, Pasteurella canis, Pasteurella stomatis, Pasteurella anatis, and Pasteurella langaa." International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 35.3 (1985): 309-322.

(15) Lax, Alistair. "The Pasteurella multocida toxin: a new paradigm for the link between bacterial infection and cancer." Pasteurella multocida. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012. 131-144.

(16) Zbinden, Reinhard. "Aggregatibacter, Capnocytophaga, Eikenella, Kingella, Pasteurella, and other fastidious or rarely encountered gram-negative rods." Manual of Clinical Microbiology, Eleventh Edition. American Society of Microbiology, 2015. 652-666.

(17) Zbinden, Reinhard, and Alexander von Graevenitz. "Actinobacillus, Capnocytophaga, Eikenella, Kingella, Pasteurella, and other fastidious or rarely encountered Gram-negative rods." Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 10th Edition. American Society of Microbiology, 2011. 574-587.

Authored by Joshua Place, a student of CJ Funk at John Brown University