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A Microbial Biorealm page on the genus KosinskiJ


Higher order taxa

Bacteria; Spirochaetes; Spirochaetales; Leptospiraceae; Leptospira; Leptospira interrogans [1].


NCBI: Taxonomy [1]

Leptospira interrogans

Description and significance

The Leptospira genus consists of a varied group of pathogenic and saprobe species belonging to the phylum Spirochaetes [2]. Leptospires are thin, helically coiled, motile, Gram negative, obligate aerobic bacteria, classified into hundreds of pathogenic serovars [2]. They live optimally at temperatures between 28-30°C [3].

Genome structure

L. interrogans genome is circular and contains two chromosomes, a large and small, both containing 4,277,185 and 350,181 base pairs respectively, roughly 4,768 genes [4].Their genomes consist of 35% G-C content. The large chromosome contains Ribosomal RNA genes: two 23S, two 16S and one 5S genes [4]. They contain 37 genes encoding transfer RNAs. The low number of tRNA and rRNA genes may be attributed to the fastidious growth of the L. interrogans. [5].

Cell structure and metabolism

Given that L. interrogans is a Gram negative microorganism, the outer membrane consists of lipopolysaccharide proteins (LPS) [6]. Spirochetal outer membrane proteins, mostly porins, are predicted to span the lipid bilayer in multiple amphipathic, membrane-spanning beta sheets arranged in a barrel [6]. The outer face of the beta-sheets is hydrophobic and interacts with the lipid bilayer, while the inner face is hydrophilic and interacts with the aqueous pore of the protein [6].

L. interrogans are found to be obligate aerobes and undergo oxidative respiration for growth and survival [2]. They are physiologically chemoheterotrophic [5].


The habitat in which this organism resides is typically in tropical and subtropical regions after heavy rainfall and dispersal of leptospires in contaminated water [6]. The spread of leptospires typically is found to occur from Vertisol clays, which are found to form in deep cracks in drier seasons, into water tables after heavy rainfall [6]. The temporal climates appear to be in relatively low humidity, clays in the soil, presence of feral pigs and in areas of high temperatures [7]. Other serovars of L. interrogans, may also include the presence of beef cattle, submaximal temperatures, and in areas of alkaline trend in duplex soils [7].


This organism is the causative agent of leptospirosis, a tropical zoonosis transmitted by direct contact with the urine of infected animals via contaminated soil or fresh water [2]. These microorganisms have adapted for specific mammalian reservoir hosts, allowing them to harbor the hosts renal tubules and shed the Leptospira in their urine [4]. The range of carriers includes mammals, birds amphibians, reptiles and humans, who are rarely chronic carriers but can be accidental host [3]. For humans, fever, chills, headache, and severe myalgias characterize the early phase of the disease. In more severe cases, jaundice, renal, failure, and/or pulmonary hemorrhaging [6]. Progression to multi-organ system complications occurs in 5 to 15% of cases, with mortality rates of 5 to 40% [4]. Leptospirosis has recently been recognized as a ‘re-emerging infectious disease’ among humans and animals and has the potential to become even more prevalent with anticipated global warming [3].

Current Research and or Application to Biotechnology

Currently, research is being done to learn more about the surface-exposed outer membrane proteins spanning the Leptospira [6]. Characterization and knowledge about the outer membrane proteins may provide one approach to infection control via vaccines based on the LPS, which dominates the outer region of the Gram negative cell [6]. Although, Leptospira LPS is highly variable demonstrating its potency against antimicrobial drugs; research suggests that the variations in LPS are generally well conserved, which seems to infer a potential advantage for finding immunization [6].


[Sample reference] Takai, K., Sugai, A., Itoh, T., and Horikoshi, K. "Palaeococcus ferrophilus gen. nov., sp. nov., a barophilic, hyperthermophilic archaeon from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent chimney". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2000. Volume 50. p. 489-500.

Edited by student of Dr. Lynn M Bedard, DePauw University