Spiroplasma melliferum

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A Microbial Biorealm page on Spiroplasma melliferum

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The Phylogenetic Placement of Spiroplasma melliferum

Higher Order Taxa:

Class: Mollicutes

Order: Mycoplasmatales

Family: Spiroplasmataceae

Genus: Spiroplasma

Species: melliferum

NCBI Accession #: JQ347516

Description and Significance

Genome Structure

The whole-genome shotgun sequencing of S. Melliferum IPMB4A produced a draft assembly that was ~1.1 Mb in size and covered ~80% of the chromosome (1).

Cell and Colony Structure

Spiroplasma melliferum is a helical, motile bacteria without cell walls (1). Spiroplasma melliferum has a classic fried-egg shaped colony morphology.

The Structure of the Cytoskeleton of Spiroplasma melliferum with High Efficiency CT (HECT).


The Metabolic Pathways of Spiroplasma melliferum


Endosymbiotic inhabitants.


Pathogenicity toward various arthropods and plants (1).

Host: infects the honeybee.
