Uploads by Vnielsen

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
18:09, 6 December 2021 Billede1.jpg (file) 14 KB Figure 2 [Image reprinted under Creative Commons License (13)]. Cryo-electron microscopy of the Sindbis virus - liposome complex. 1
18:25, 6 December 2021 Visual diagram.png (file) 84 KB Figure 3 [Image reprinted under Creative Commons License (21)] Visual diagram of the primary route for Sindbis virus infection of humans through asymptomatic mammalian and insect carriers. Different species of birds and mosquitoes transmit the virus to each other. Mosquitoes infect humans, but humans cannot transmit Sindbis virus back to mosquitoes because of SINV’s naturally low viral load. 1