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-      ''Mariniflexil'' [′xi.le. L. adj. ''marinus'' marine; L. part. adj. ''flexilis -e'' pliant, pliable, flexible; N.L. neut. n. ''Mariniflexile'' a flexible marine (bacterium)].
-      ''Mariniflexile aquimaris'' (′ris. L. n. ''aqua'' water; L. gen. n. ''maris'' of the sea; N.L. gen. n. ''aquimaris'' of the water of the sea).

===Higher order taxa===
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-      Type Strain HWR-17t
-      Type Strain HWR-17t

==Description and significance==
''Mariniflexile aquimaris'' is a novel species to the genus "Mariniflexile" that was discovered in Yellow Sea off Hwang-do, an island in Korea

==Genome structure==
==Description and Impact on Genus==
The genus ''Mariniflexile'', a member of the family Flavobacteriaceae, phylum Bacteroidetes, was proposed by Nedashkovskaya et al. (2006) with ''Mariniflexile gromovii'', isolated from a sea urchin, as the sole recognized species. ''Mariniflexile aquimaris'' is a novel species to the genus ''Mariniflexile'' that was discovered in Yellow Sea off Hwang-do, an island in Korea.  This species exhibited 97.1-97.2% 16S rRNA gene sequencing with ''Mariniflexile gronovii'' KCTC 12570T and ''Mariniflexile fucanivorans'' DSM 18792T.  There were, however, distinct phenotypic differences that the discovery of ''Mariniflexile aquimaris'' that an amendment to the description of the genus was proposed.  The new description is as follows: "Motile by gliding or non-gliding. Optimal growth temperature is 25–30 °C. Oxidase activity is negative. The major polar lipids are phosphatidylethanolamine, an unidentified aminolipid and an unidentified lipid (Jung, Kim, Oh & Yoon, 2012)."
==Cell structure and metabolism==
''Mariniflexile aquimaris'' are Gram-negative rod-shaped cells that are usually yellow-tinted in color. They are also traditionally slight halophiles with no motile capabilities because they are non-flagellated. Colonies on MA are circular, convex, smooth, glistening and yellow, 0.2–1.0 mm in diameter after incubation for 3 days at 30 °C.

''Methanococcus jannaschii'' was the first organism of the kingdom Archaea to be completely sequenced in 1995 (Bult, C.J. et. al., 1996). Three characteristic elements that make up the genome of ''M. jannaschii'' are: a large circular chromosome, a large-circular extra chromosome, and a small circular extra-chromosome (Bult, C.J. et. al., 1996). Using whole-genome random sequencing, it was found that:
They are not capable of anaerobic growth with or with out nitrate enhance marine agar, MA.  The predominant menaquinone is MK-6 and the major fatty acid (>10 % of the total fatty acids) is iso-C15 : 0 in the ''Mariniflexile aquimaris'' species. In addition to the previously listed lipids given in the emended genus description, three unidentified lipids are present in minor amounts.

1. The large circular chromosome has a length of 1.66 mega base pair. Within the chromosome, there are a total of 1729 protein-coding regions, and the percentage of G+C content is 31.4%.
==Role of Bacteriodetes in the Human Gut==

2. The large circular extra-chromosome has a length of 58 kilo base pair. The total protein-coding regions are 45, and the percentage of G+C content is reported as 28.2%.

3. The small circular extra-chromosome contains 16.5 kilo base pair. The predicted protein-coding regions are 12, and the G+C content percent is 28.9%.
Bacteriodetes is one of the five main phyla in the gut, but a recent study identified 43 Korean gut microbiota by studying fecal samples of 20 individuals.   Korean gut microbiota showed the greatest diversity of rare species, this is particularly interesting because ''Mariniflexile aquimaris'' is a member of the phylum bacteriodetes, a phyla of microbe commonly found in our gut.  This study researched by the Department of Life and Nanopharmaceutical Sciences, at Kyung Hee University states that "gut microbial composition is related to internal and external characteristics of each country member such as host genetics and diet styles (Nam, Jung, Kim, & Bae, 2011)."  Microbes in the gut help by presenting nutrients from diets, resisting the colonization of pathogens, stimulating the proliferation of the intestinal epithelium, and regulating fat storage.
The genome structure of ''Methanococcus jannaschii'' finally provided solid support for the hypothesis that Archaea is indeed a separate domain of life from Bacteria and Eukarya, and that Archaea is more closely related to Eukarya. This hypothesis was made several years before genome sequencing even existed (Tsoka et. al., 2003). Although the ''M. jannaschii'' genome is quite small compared to the genome of well-known species such as Eschericia coli (only 40% of E. coli genome), researchers believe that the genome is very specific to the autotropic lifestyle of the organism (Zhu et. al., 2004). Until now, only about 52% of the proteins in the genome have been identified and assigned to functions (Zhu et. al., 2004). However, their hyperthermophillic properties and their special mechanisms to their extreme environments leads to conclusion that these proteins are strictly involved in energy production, specifically methanogenesis, cell division, metabolism, and also maintaining the organism’s lifestyle (Zhu et. al., 2004).

==Cell structure and metabolism==
1. Features of cell structure of archaeal organisms.
Cellular structure and metabolism of ''M. jannaschii'' allow for a deeper understanding of the domain Archaea, and also the evolutionary relationship between this domain and the other two, Bacteria and Eukarya. ''M. jannaschii'' belongs to the domain Archaea, and therefore exhibit cellular structures that are characteristics of this domain. They are unique because they do not have a cell wall made of peptidoglycan (called murein) like most bacteria. Most archaeal species have walls made of proteins or glycoproteins, which form the outermost envelope of the cell called the surface layer (S-layer) (Sleytr. et. al., 2007). Because of the lack of a cell wall, this explains why Archaea are resistant to antibacterial antibiotics, which are often used as genetic markers (Tumbula and Whitman, 1999). More remarkably, they are different from all other organism due to the glycerol ethers that make up their cytoplasmic membrane, while other species’ membranes are composed of phospholipids (glycerol diesters) (Sleytr. et. al., 2007). Equally distinctive is the fact that no known Archaea have been identified as pathogens (Tumbula and Whitman, 1999).

2. Proteins that have been identified using shotgun proteomics method
Even though the genome of ''Methanococcus janaschii'' have been sequenced and the predicted protein functions have been assigned, the proteome, which provides the products of the actual expressed genome, will eventually give greater insights into studying the importance of these macromolecules in the organism’s lifestyle.
Using a shotgun proteome method, which is called Multidimensional Protein Identification Technology (MudPIT), researchers were able to identify the actual amount of proteins, and also assigned them with specific functions (Zhu. et. al., 2004).
''M. jannaschii'' protein mixtures were first digested in a more complicated protein mixtures by allowing ''M. jannaschii'' to grow on a complex medium enriched with H2. This mixture was further loaded on a “multidimensional chromatographic capillary column,” which is then separated and resolved. With this method, hundreds of proteins were identified at the same time (Zhu. et. al., 2004). This method of protein identification was extremely convenient for it provided a faster and more efficient way of searching for functional proteins without having to separate each protein ahead of time. Out of 1775 genes predicted from the sequenced genome, 963 (54.2%) were identified. These genes are identified to be involved in amino acid biosynthesis, biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups, and carriers, DNA metabolism, energy metabolism, synthesis of purines, pyridines, nucleosides, and nucleotides, fatty acid and phospholipids metabolism, transcription and other cellular processes. Due to the abundance of these proteins in the genome, the report concluded that these proteins are “housekeeping” proteins that are crucial in allowing cell maintenance and growth (Zhu. et. al., 2004).
Out of the 963 genes identified, 137 or 9% were proposed to be involved in energy metabolism. This group of proteins appears to have a high abundance within the proteome. These proteins include many enzymes used in the process of methanogenesis, and also many electron carrier proteins such as ferredoxin and subunits of proton transporting ATP synthase. The second large portion found in the genome includes genes that function in protein synthesis, specifically ribosomal proteins. 67% of the predicted genes are involved in the synthesis of cell envelope. The majority of proteins that are expressed by these genes are S-layer structural proteins. About 80% of the predicted genes are involved in fatty acids and phospholipids metabolism. Even though a large amount of genes have unknown functions or are hypothetical genes, it was reported that these genes are most likely crucial to cellular growth (Zhu et. al., 2004).

3. Methanogenesis pathway of ''Methanococcus jannaschii''
1.     Barbeyron T., L’Haridon S., Michel G., Czjzek M. (2008). Mariniflexile fucanivorans sp. nov., a marine member of the Flavobacteriaceae that degrades sulphated fucans from brown algae. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 58, 2107–2113
As introduced earlier, methanogenesis is the main biochemical pathway from which ''Methanococcus jannaschii'' obtains energy. This pathway depends of a rich supply of H2 to reduce CO2 to CH4 (Teske et. al., 2003). There are seven steps involved in the pathway, and each step is catalyzed by a specific enzyme (Zhu et. al., 2004). Since these enzymes are synthesized by hyperthermophiles, they are called hyperthermophillic enzymes (Vieille and Zeikus, 2001). Most interestingly, these enzymes are optimally active at high temperatures, temperatures that would denature most enzymatic functions.  
In the first step of methanogenesis, carbon dioxide is introduced into the pathway, forming formyl-methanofuran (formyl-MF). This step is catalyzed by the enzyme formyl-methanofuran dehydrogenase (FMD), which is a membrane-bound protein complex.
The second step of the pathway produces formyl-tetrahydromethanopterin by transferring the formyl group on the formyl-methanofuran. Formyl-MF:H4MPT formyl transferase (FTR) catalyzes this reaction.
In the third step, formyl-H4MPT is reduced to methenyl-H4MPT by the removal of a water molecule. The enzyme involved in this step is H4MPT cyclohydrolase (MCH).
The next step of the pathway involves two very functionally distinct enzymes that have been proven to be characteristic in the energy-producing metabolism of methanogens. They are coenzyme F420-dependent, N5, N10-methylene-H4MPT dehydrogenase (MTD), and the other is an H2-dependent, H2-forming N5-N10-methylene-H4MPT dehydrogenase (HMD). The product molecule in this pathway is methylene-H4MPT.
N5, N10-methylene-H4MPT reductase (MER) is also a coenzyme F420-dependent, and in the fifth step, it catalyzes the production of methyl-H4MPT from methylene-H4MPT. Under rich hydrogen condition, this enzyme was shown to be highly expressed.
In the sixth step, methyl S-coenzyme M is synthesized with the catalysis of the transmembrane enzyme complex, N5-methyl-H4MPT:Coenzyme M methyltransferase (MTR). This enzyme has proven to be extremely important in conserving energy for Methanococcus jannaschii. When MTR transfers a methyl group to conenzyme M, it also creates a proton gradient across the membrane by acting as a primary sodium pump. The Na+/H+ antiporter serves to aid the formation of methane in the next step.
Methane is finally produced in the last step of the pathway by methyl conenzyme M reductase.

2. Jung, Y., Kim, J., Oh, T., & Yoon, J. (2012). Mariniflexile aquimaris sp. nov., isolated from seawater, and emended description of the genus mariniflexile nedashkovskaya et al. 2006. Internation Journal of Systemic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 62, 539-544. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.031492-0
In studying anaerobic microbial communities and their interaction, the sulfate reduction, methanogenesis, and anaerobic methane oxidation are often of great interest not only because there is a close relationship between these pathways, but also because they serve as potential genomic markers to study the evolution of the biochemical pathways of organisms that live in these extreme environments (environments that are believed to resemble that of the ancient Earth’s biosphere). Sulfate reduction and methanogenesis are both anaerobic pathways that convert bacterial organic products during fermentation or degradation to CO2 and methane (Teske et. al., 2003). The availability of sulfate determines the amount of sulfate-reducing organisms. When there is a depletion of sulfate, methanogenic archaea become the dominated species, metabolizing CO2 and H2 to produce methane (Teske et. al., 2003). If methane and sulfate both exist at the same time, anaerobic methane oxidation takes place; this is a process during which methane is oxidized to CO2, using sulfate as the electron acceptor (Teske et. al., 2003). These processes and their interactions become extremely crucial to the hydrothermal vent microbial community because the products of one process become the substrates for other organisms undergoing other biochemical pathways.

In methanogenesis, many substrates for ''Methanococcus jannaschii'' such as CO2, formate, and acetate are formed by fermentative bacteria that live in anaerobic environments (Reeve, 1992). By converting these compounds to a gaseous product, methane, ''Methanococcus jannaschii'', or methanogens in general, provide a pathway for these organic compounds to escape from the hydrothermal vents into aerobic environments (Teske et. al, 2003). Thus, methanogenesis and the organisms that use this pathway are extremely important in the carbon cycle. A small portion of methane is used by anaerobic methane oxidizing organisms; however, a large portion of it escapes into the atmosphere, where it serves as a very potent greenhouse gas (Zhu et. al, 2004). Even though methane is a potential energy source, the vast amount of methane produced within the past few years have raised many concerns on the Earth’s atmosphere (Zhu et. al., 2004). The increasing amount of methane released in the ocean and in the atmosphere have had some implications on the increasing fuel-burning rate, as well as the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide that humans release. These facts contribute to people’s knowledge about the human damaging effects on global warming that we are now suffering from.

3.    Nam, Y., Jung, M., Kim, M., & Bae, J. (2011). Comparative analysis of korean human gut microbiota by barcoded pyrosequencing. PloS one , 6(7), pg e22109. Retrieved from

4.    Nedashkovskaya O. I., Kim S. B., Kwak J., Mikhailov V. V., Bae K. S. (2006). Mariniflexile gromovii gen. nov., sp. nov., a gliding bacterium isolated from the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 56, 1635–1638.
1. Mariniflexile jejuense sp. nov., isolated from the junction between seawater and a freshwater spring, and emended description of the genus Mariniflexile
  Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. April 1, 2013 63:1329-1334

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[[Category:Pages edited by students of Rachel Larsen at USM]]

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A Microbial Biorealm page on the genus Mariniflexile aquimaris


- Mariniflexil [′xi.le. L. adj. marinus marine; L. part. adj. flexilis -e pliant, pliable, flexible; N.L. neut. n. Mariniflexile a flexible marine (bacterium)]. - Mariniflexile aquimaris (′ris. L. n. aqua water; L. gen. n. maris of the sea; N.L. gen. n. aquimaris of the water of the sea).

Higher order taxa

- Superkingdom: Bacteria

- Phylum: Bacteroidetes

- Class: Flavobacteria

- Order: Flavobacteriales

- Family: Flavobacteriaceae

- Genus: Mariniflexile


Genus species - Mariniflexile aquimaris - Type Strain HWR-17t

Description and Impact on Genus

The genus Mariniflexile, a member of the family Flavobacteriaceae, phylum Bacteroidetes, was proposed by Nedashkovskaya et al. (2006) with Mariniflexile gromovii, isolated from a sea urchin, as the sole recognized species. Mariniflexile aquimaris is a novel species to the genus Mariniflexile that was discovered in Yellow Sea off Hwang-do, an island in Korea. This species exhibited 97.1-97.2% 16S rRNA gene sequencing with Mariniflexile gronovii KCTC 12570T and Mariniflexile fucanivorans DSM 18792T. There were, however, distinct phenotypic differences that the discovery of Mariniflexile aquimaris that an amendment to the description of the genus was proposed. The new description is as follows: "Motile by gliding or non-gliding. Optimal growth temperature is 25–30 °C. Oxidase activity is negative. The major polar lipids are phosphatidylethanolamine, an unidentified aminolipid and an unidentified lipid (Jung, Kim, Oh & Yoon, 2012)."

Cell structure and metabolism

Mariniflexile aquimaris are Gram-negative rod-shaped cells that are usually yellow-tinted in color. They are also traditionally slight halophiles with no motile capabilities because they are non-flagellated. Colonies on MA are circular, convex, smooth, glistening and yellow, 0.2–1.0 mm in diameter after incubation for 3 days at 30 °C.

They are not capable of anaerobic growth with or with out nitrate enhance marine agar, MA. The predominant menaquinone is MK-6 and the major fatty acid (>10 % of the total fatty acids) is iso-C15 : 0 in the Mariniflexile aquimaris species. In addition to the previously listed lipids given in the emended genus description, three unidentified lipids are present in minor amounts.

Role of Bacteriodetes in the Human Gut

Bacteriodetes is one of the five main phyla in the gut, but a recent study identified 43 Korean gut microbiota by studying fecal samples of 20 individuals. Korean gut microbiota showed the greatest diversity of rare species, this is particularly interesting because Mariniflexile aquimaris is a member of the phylum bacteriodetes, a phyla of microbe commonly found in our gut. This study researched by the Department of Life and Nanopharmaceutical Sciences, at Kyung Hee University states that "gut microbial composition is related to internal and external characteristics of each country member such as host genetics and diet styles (Nam, Jung, Kim, & Bae, 2011)." Microbes in the gut help by presenting nutrients from diets, resisting the colonization of pathogens, stimulating the proliferation of the intestinal epithelium, and regulating fat storage.


1. Barbeyron T., L’Haridon S., Michel G., Czjzek M. (2008). Mariniflexile fucanivorans sp. nov., a marine member of the Flavobacteriaceae that degrades sulphated fucans from brown algae. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 58, 2107–2113

2. Jung, Y., Kim, J., Oh, T., & Yoon, J. (2012). Mariniflexile aquimaris sp. nov., isolated from seawater, and emended description of the genus mariniflexile nedashkovskaya et al. 2006. Internation Journal of Systemic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 62, 539-544. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.031492-0

3. Nam, Y., Jung, M., Kim, M., & Bae, J. (2011). Comparative analysis of korean human gut microbiota by barcoded pyrosequencing. PloS one , 6(7), pg e22109. Retrieved from

4. Nedashkovskaya O. I., Kim S. B., Kwak J., Mikhailov V. V., Bae K. S. (2006). Mariniflexile gromovii gen. nov., sp. nov., a gliding bacterium isolated from the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 56, 1635–1638.