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The Connecticut Water Trails Association defines meromictic lakes as stratified lakes that consists of two layers. The top layer, the mixolimnion, is a portion of the lake, usually ending a couple of meters under the surface of the lake, that is exposed to the atmosphere. Being so, it is allowed to mix freely. The mixing of the mixolimnion usually occurs from fall to spring assuming that there is not a layer of ice over the top of the lake during the winter. The bottom layer, the monimolimnion, is cut off from the atmosphere by the mixolimnion. These two layers are separated by either a thermocline or a chemocline. A thermocline exists when there is a temperature difference between the surface and bottom of a lake. This temperature difference causes a difference in water density with the heavier cold water near the sediments. This temperature difference holds as long as the temperature of the lake does not cool off. Therefore, meromictic lakes that are stratified by a thermocline are typically found near the tropics where the surface of lakes never freeze. This is not to say that a thermocline cannot separate the mixolimnion and the monimolimnion in temperate climates. However, if this is the case, the lake needs to have a small surface area compared to its depth. This also means that the sides of the lake need to be steeply sloped. The small surface area compared to a lake's depth helps prevent the wind from being able to fully mix the lake when the temerature of the lake is uniform from late fall through early spring. After all, the larger the fetch, the length of a lake exposed to a gust of wind, is , the more likely the lake will turn completely over. This is especially true for shallow lakes with large fetches. Other than a thermocline, meromictic lakes may also be stratified due to a chemocline. A chemocline, in the context of meromictic lakes, is a gradient of salinity. The saltier, and more dense, water would settle to the bottom of the lake therefore forming the monimolimnion. The mixolimnion would have water with significantly less salt dissolved in it. These lakes are somewhat common in deep basins near coastal areas where fresh and salt water interact with each other.

The size of meromictic lakes vary greatly with the largest being the Black Sea (Wikipedia 1). The Black Sea is about 436,400 square kilometers and has a maximum depth of 2,212 meters. This great depth and the fact that the bottom water is more saline than the top is what keeps the Black Sea from fully mixing. Regardless of its size,a meromictic lake is home to a very diverse set of species, especially when it comes to microbial communities. Although individual species do vary depending on which lake is being studied, multiple studies have indicated that there are a few aerobic species at the top of the mixolimnion. Populations and the diversity of the bacteria tend to increase as the thermocline or the chemocline is reached just a couple of meters under the surface of the lake (Ovreas, 1997). This barrier between the two pools of water seems to be the place that has the most amount of microbial species and therefore the highest biodiversity. After all, both aerobes and anaerobes can potentially be within a few meters of each other. Also, light can reach this area, so both photoautotrophs and heterotrophs can potentially exist in this region. Past the chemocline or thermocline is the monimolimnion which is depleted of oxygen. Therefore, only anaerobic bacteria and archea can function in this zone. Since the monimolimnion hardly ever, if at all, mixes, it is a very anaerobic place where sulfur redox reactions dominate. Methanogenesis also occurs by some archea in the monimolimnion

The Environment

This picture shows a well stratifed mixolimnion in a meromictic lake. It also shows how the mixolimnion and the monimolimnion can be separated by a chemocline This picture is from the Water on the Web website.

The Physical Environment


Since most meromictic lakes are deep and have a thermocline, temperature tends to be important. Temperature varies in the different layers of a meromictic lake. According to Water on the Web, the surface of a meromictic lake is the warmest in the summer. In fact, the mixolimnion may be stratified as in the picture to the left. In this depiction, there is an epilimnion, a metalimnion, and a hypolimnion in the mixolimnion. This stratification is caused by varying temperatures with the warmest water being in the epilimnion and the coldest in the hypolimnion. This separation will affect the way the lake mixes during the summer, and more than likely only the epilimnion and the top of the metalimnion will be able to mix well. However, once the colder fall temperatures arrive, this stratification ends up breaking apart, and the whole mixolimnion is allowed to mix entirely again.


Density is another important physical property in meromictic lakes. Temperature plays a key role in determining the density of the water in the lake. This is why the epilimnion, having the warmer, less dense water, is the top layer of the mixolimnion, and why the hypolimnion, containing the colder, more dense water, is the bottom layer of the mixolimnion during the summer months. Another important factor that affects the density of water is the amount of solutes dissolved in the water, or in this case, the salinity. The more saline the water, the more dense it is. Therefore, very saline water will stay right above the sediments of meromictic lakes. The gradient in salinity is the reason for the chemocline, and is why the hypolimnion in the mixolimnion is not a part of the monimolimnion even though they are roughly the same temperature. This varying in density throughout the meromictic lakes, especially in summer, is what controls most of the chemical processes within the lake.

The Chemical Environment

Dissolved Oxygen

Dissolved oxygen is the amount of oxygen that is held, dissolved, in water. Using the meromictic lake model from the Connecticut Water Trails Association, one can assume that the amount of oxygen that is dissolved in the water is greatest in the epilimnion of the mixolimnion and is lowest in the monimolimnion. The epilimnion has the greatest amount of contact with the atmosphere and can be thoroughly mixed. This makes it very easy for the oxygen in the atmosphere to dissolve into the epilimnion. Some of this oxygen is able to get mixed in with the top of the metalimnion, but nothing beyond that. Also, since the epilimnion has a warmer temperature than the layers below it, it can hold less oxygen. However, the continuous mixing of the epilimnion during the summer keeps this layer oxygenated. Another way that a lake is able to obtain oxygen is through the photosythesis of plants and phototrophic microbes. Plants are limited to the shorelines, and both plants and phototrophic microbes are limited to the ammount of light they recieve. Therefore,plants and microbes can only photosynthesize in the photic zone (Kennesaw State University). The lower layer of the photic zone is where 99 percent of the light from the sun is absorbed by the water. Not all organisms in water contribute to the dissolved oxygen concentration. Some, like fish, heterotrophic bacteria, decomposers, and benthic invertebrates, deplete the oxygen concentration. However, the epilimnion is usually robust enough to deal with these oxygen utilizing organisms.

The metalimnion is the portion of the meromictic lake that starts to show an oxygen deficiency, especially the lower portion of the metalimnion (The Encyclopedia of Earth). Even though the metalimnion has a cooler temperature than the epilimnion, and can therefore hold more oxygen, it will have a lower dissolved oxygen concentration due to the fact that it is not in direct contact with the atmosphere and cannot be mixed. To add to this lack of oxygen, the aerobic microbes and fish that live in this region of the lake will eventually deplete as much oxygen as they can before they have to move to a different location or die. This is even more true for the hypolimnion and the monimolimnion. In fact, since the monimolimnion rarely, if ever, gets mixed and it does not have organisms that photosynthsize, it usually only has a dissolved oxygen concentration of less than 1 ppm (CWTA). This is far below the amount of oxygen that most fish need to survive.

A lake with a large purple sulfur bacteria population. This image comes from The Friends of Ecological Reserves' website.


Sulfur is a critical element starting at the chemocline and extending down to the monimolimnion. Since there is very little, if any, oxygen in these meromictic layers, the heterotrophic bacteria must find another terminal electron acceptor. Sulfur reducing bacteria, SRB, reduce elemental sulfur to sulfide. The other side to this redox reaction is that they oxidize organic compounds like acetate and succinate to carbon dioxide. This sulfur redox reaction can be done by a variety of bacteria and some archaea.

Sulfur is also important to those bacteria that use it during photosynthesis. Both green and purple sulfur bacteria can use sulfide and oxidize it to elemental sulfur during their photosynthesis reactions (wiki source). This being so, SRB and these green and purple sulfur bacteria can work in harmony with each other since each of their waste products can be part of the other one's energy source. This is not always the case, since the elemental sulfur that is released from these green and purple sulfur sometimes gets converted to sulfuric acid.


Meromictic lakes are also a great habitat for methanogenesis to occur. Methanogenesis a process that reduces carbon dioxide to methane. Carbon dioxide is the least efficient terminal electron acceptor in the electron tower. The process of methanogenesis is very unique, and only archaea can do it. Since methanogenesis is a very inefficent way to help produce energy, it will not be used unless every other electron acceptor is gone. Therefore, this process may be limited to deep within the monimolimnion.

Microbial communities

What kind of microbes do we typically find in this environment? Or associated with important processes in this environment? Describe key groups of microbes that we find in this environment, and any special adaptations they may have evolved to survive in this environment. List examples of specific microbes that represent key groups or are associated with important processes found in this environment. Link to other MicrobeWiki pages where possible.

Are there important biological interactions that are important in this environment? Do these interactions influence microbial populations and their activities? How do these interactions influence other organisms? Describe biological interactions that might take place in this environment, using as many sections/subsections as you require. Look at other topics available in MicrobeWiki. Create links where relevant.

The Mixolimnion

The mixolimnion, since it can act like an individual lake and stratify, and since it has relatively low salinity in terms of the chemocline, can be home for numerous microbial communities that are present in freshwater lakes. These include, but are not limited to algae, actinobacteria, betaproteobacteria, alphaproteobacteria, gammaproteobacteria, cyanobacteria,and various types of freshwater, aerobic archaea. These microbial communities have adapted to use oxygen as their terminal electron accepor in order to make as much energy, ATP, as they can. They also selected for living in open water with very little in terms of cover from predators. This means that they had to adapt in order to survive a predator's attack. Some of these adaptations include flagella, binding to larger particles, selecting for a larger or smaller cell body size, and working together as a community like algae do in algal mats.

The Chemocline

The chemocline has the potential for the greatest amount of species diversity. Both fresh and saltwater microorganisms can survive within feet of each other in this layer, and so can aerobic and anaerobic microbes. The chemocline is also the area where the green and purple sulfur bacteria can survive. These bacteria need sulfur and light in order to conduct photosynthesis. This is not to say that these sulfur bacteria cannot survive in the mixolimnion, but rather, they have a greater population near the chemocline (Ovreas, 1997). The major adaptation for the microbes that exists in and near the chemocline is that they have to be metabolically diverse. In other words, facultative aerobes and anaerobes have the greatest chance of surviving near the chemocline. This is because oxygen concentrations have a tendency to fluctuate, especially during the summer months when the mixolimnion is stratified.

The Monimolimnion

In the deepest part of meromictic lakes, anaerobic bacteria and archaea dominate. There is little to no oxygen, therefore heterotrophic microbes will have to find the next best terminal electron acceptor. SRB,some green and purple sulfur bacteria, and methanogens rule this portion of the lake. The main adaptation to living in this portion of the lake is that the microbe needs to be able to use sulfur or carbon dioxide in redox reactions in order to sustain their energy need.

Microbial processes

What microbial processes define this environment? Describe microbial processes that are important in this habitat, adding sections/subsections as needed. Look at other topics in MicrobeWiki. Are some of these processes already described? Create links where relevant.

The Mixolimnion

The two major microbial mediated reactions that occur in the mixolimnion are photosythesis and heterotrophic respiration. Photosynthesis can be carried out by algae, cyanobacteria, and a few other microbes. This chemical process is essential to all life, and is a main source of carbon substrate for the life in a meromictic lake. When the organisms that fix carbon through photosynthesis die, they are either decomposed in the mixolimnion, or settle to the monimolimnion. Either way, organisms in both parts of the meromictic lake depend on this biomass for a media to live off of. The carbon dioxide taken in by these photosynthesis processes may come from respiration. Every organism respires to some extent. Respiration is an affective way in obtaining energy for the cell. General versions of photosynthesis and respiration are given below. Oxygen is used in the decomposition of the organic molecule in respiration since the mixolimnion, especially its epilimnion, has enough dissolved oxygen in order for aerobic decomposition to take place.

Photosynthesis: 6CO2+6H2O+light=C6H12O6+6O2
Respiration: C6H12O6+6O2=6CO2+6H2O
Energy Released From Respiration: 2880kJ

The Monimolimnion

Current Research

Enter summaries of recent research here--at least three required


Connecticut Water Trails Association, CWTA:

Friends of Ecological Reserves:

Kennesaw State University:

Kondo, R., Osawa, K., Mochizuki, L., Fujioka, Y., and Butani, J. 2006. "Abundance and diversity of sulphate-reducing bacterioplankton in Lake Suigetsu, a meromictic lake in Fukui, Japan". Plankton Benthos Res. 4:165-177.

Ovreas, L., Forney, L., Daae, F.L., and Torsvik, V. 1997. "Distribution of bacterioplankton in meromictic Lake Saelenvannet, as determined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of PCR-amplified gene fragments coding for 16S rRNA". Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 63:3367-3373.

Parkin, T.B., and Brock, T.D. 1981. "The Role of Phototrophic Bacteria in the Sulfur Cycle of a Meromictic Lake". Limnology and Oceanography. 26:880-890.

Pfennig, N. 1977. "Phototrophic green and purple bacteria: a comparative systematic survey". Ann. Rev. Microbiol. 31:275-290.

The Encyclopedia of Earth:

Tuomi, P., Torsvik, T., Heldal, M., and Bratbak, G. 1997. "Bacterial Population Dynamics in a Meromictic Lake". Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 63:2181-2188.

Water on the Web:

Water Quality Assessments-A Guide to Use of Biota, Sediments and Water in Environmental Monitoring-Second Edition:

Wikipedia 1:

Wikipedia 2:

Edited by <Tyler Groh>, a student of Angela Kent at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.