Jannaschia rubra

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A Microbial Biorealm page on the genus Jannaschia rubra


Higher order taxa

Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Alphaproteobacteria; Rhodobacterales; Rhodobacteraceae; Jannaschia; sp.


NCBI: Taxonomy

“Jannaschia rubra”

Description and significance

Jannaschia rubra grows as irregular pink colonies that do not swarm of luminescence. The cells are about 1.0-2.0 X 0.5 μm and divide by binary division. Initially, the cells form smooth, white colonies, but pigmentation collects as the cell grows. Cells may have 3 to 5 monopolar flagella and individual cells are rod shaped. The flagellum enables movement. Cells produce bacteriochlorophyll when grown in the dark.

Genome structure

The cells contain one chromosome and one plasmid; the organism has 1462 base pairs in linear DNA. Jannaschia rubra’s type strain is known as 4SM3.

Cell structure and metabolism

Jannaschia rubra is Gram-negative, minutely halophilic, aerobic, and chemo-organotrophic. It is unable ferment anaerobically, and does not reduce nitrates. It has tested positive for possessing cytochrome oxidase. The salinity range is 0•34–9 for growth. It prefers organic and amino acids as its carbon source, and has the ability to metabolize or D-xylose, Dglucose, D-fructose, D-galactose, D-mannose, glycerol, Dmannitol, D-sorbitol, pyruvate, succinate, fumarate, malate, lactate, acetate, DL-b-hydroxybutyrate, L-leucine, L-serine, L-glutamate, c-aminobutyric acid, L-ornithine, citrulline, L-aspartate, sarcosine and putrescine for growth; however, yeast extract were used as supplement.

It’s grown in vivo with pH of 7.6 under with the following ingredients as its bactomarine broth:

Bacto peptone 5.00 g

              Bacto yeast extract                          1.00   g
              Fe(III) citrate                              0.10   g
              NaCl                                        19.45   g
              MgCl2 (dried)                                5.90   g
              NaSO4                                        3.24   g
              CaCl2                                        1.80   g
              KCl                                          0.55   g
              Na2CO3                                       0.16   g
              KBr                                          0.08   g
              SrCl2                                       34.00   mg
              H3BO3                                       22.00   mg
              Na-silicate                                  4.00   mg
              NaF                                          2.40   mg
              (NH4)NO3                                     1.60   mg
              Na2HPO4                                      8.00   mg
              Distilled water                           1000.00   ml


Jannaschia rubra was isolated from sea water in the Mediterranean near Valencia. Jannaschia in general is plentiful in costal and open ocean surface waters, and they have significant numbers among the marine bacterioplankton community. This large percentage in the community makes them a large asset to oceanic photosynthetic electron transport flux as well as the carbon cycle. Sodium and Magnesium are required for growth and growth temperature ranges from 4 to 25 degrees C.


Jannaschia sp. are not known to be disease agents.

Application to Biotechnology

There is no known application to biotechnology.

Current Research

As of February 7, 2006, the complete genome of Jannaschia sp. CCS1 was decoded by members working in Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Alamos National Laboratory.

Studies are still being conducted by Arahal DR, Lekunberri I, Gonzalez JM, Pascual J, Pujalte MJ, Pedros-Alio C, and Pinhassi J. in the University of Valencia.

The complete 16S RNA has been sequenced in 2004.


Pujalte M. J. “Jannaschia rubra sp. nov., a red-pigmented bacterium isolated from sea water.” http://ijs.sgmjournals.org/cgi/reprint/55/2/649.pdf. 28 Apr 2007.

JGI Microbes. “Jannaschia sp. CCS1.” http://genome.jgi-psf.org/draft_microbes/jan_c/jan_c.home.html. 2 May 2007.

BRC Network. http://www.cabri.org/CABRI/srs-bin/wgetz?-id+6Zgtq1UreR1+[dsmz_media-Medium_no:514]+-e. 2 May 2007.

NCBI. “AJ748747. Reports: Jannaschia rubra” http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/viewer.fcgi?db=nucleotide&val=57635346. 2 May 2007.