Muricauda abyssi

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Bacteria; Bacteroidota; Flavobacteriia; Flavobacteriales; Flavobacteriaceae; Muricauda


Muricauda abyssi

Genus Muricauda

Description and Significance

Muricauda Abyssi is a non-motile, rod-shaped gram-negative bacterium found isolated in deep sea water from the Marina Trench (NIH, 2022.) Muricauda Abyssi is important to the genus Muricauda by identifying the highest with Muricauda oceani at 99.0% and allowing for research of relations between closely related type strains in the genus Muricauda (NIH, 2022.) Muricauda abyssi are also important for modulating the process of photosynthesis. (NIH, 2018).

Genome Structure

 Muricauda abyssi is designated as strain W52T with the 16S rRNA gene sequences indicating the microbes' relation to the members of the genus Muricauda with the major respiratory quinone being MK-6 demonstrating a biomarker for the bacterial community Muricauda abyssi resides in (NIH, 2022.)

Cell Structure, Metabolism and Life Cycle

Muricauda abyssi are small gram-negative, rod-shaped bacteria that form microscopic yellow colonies and synthesize zeaxanthin, which is a Zanthophyll that modulates the process of photosynthesis if a plant is overexposed to sunlight (NIH, 2018).

Ecology and Pathogenesis

Muricauda abyssi is a marine bacterium found in the deep seawater of the Marina Trench. All members of the Muricauda genus were originally isolated from salty environments including marine snow, hot springs, clouded seawater etc. Muricauda abyssi help to synthesize zeaxanthin which protects nature and plants during photosynthesis from excessive sunlight (NIH, 2018).


Wang D, Wu Y, Liu Y, Liu B, Gao Y, Yang Y, Zhang Y, Liu C, Huo Y, Tang A, Xu Y, Wei Y. Muricauda abyssi sp. nov., a marine bacterium isolated from deep seawater of the Mariana Trench. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2022 Dec;72(12). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005615. PMID: 36748599.

Dong B, Zhu S, Chen T, Ren N, Chen X, Chen Y, Xue Z, Shen X, Huang Y, Yang J, Chen J. Muricauda oceani sp. nov., isolated from the East Pacific Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2020 Jun;70(6):3839-3844. doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.004241. PMID: 32496184.

Zheng, Y., & Sun, C. (2019). Draft Genome Sequences of Two Bacterial Strains, Muricauda sp. 72 and NH166, Isolated from the South China Sea and West Pacific Ocean. Microbiology resource announcements, 8(44), e01042-19.

Murillo, A. G., Hu, S., & Fernandez, M. L. (2019). Zeaxanthin: Metabolism, Properties, and Antioxidant Protection of Eyes, Heart, Liver, and Skin. Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland), 8(9), 390.

Vizzotto, C. S., Lopes, F. A. C., Green, S. J., Steindorff, A. S., Walter, J. M., Thompson, F. L., & Krüger, R. H. (2018). Draft Genome Sequence of Muricauda sp. Strain K001 Isolated from a Marine Cyanobacterial Culture. Genome announcements, 6(22), e00451-18.


Page authored by Trinity Butler, student of Prof. Bradley Tolar at UNC Wilmington.