Methylosinus trichosporium

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Phylum: Pseudomonadota

Class: Alphaproteobacteria

Order: Hyphomicrobiales

Family: Methylocystaceae

Genus: Methylosinus



Methylosinus trichosporium (strain ATCC35070)

Description and significance

Methylosinus trichosporium is a gram negative, aerobic bacteria. This bacteria is found in the soil or in groundwater as well. Trichosporium is a bacteria that relies on methane as a source of carbon and energy. This bacteria not only helps by consuming and getting rid of methane it also serves another purpose as it has shown the ability to degrades Trichloroethylene and cometabolism of polyhydroxybutyrate. Trichloroethylene a chemical that is toxic to aquatic life, plants and animals.

16S Ribosomal RNA Gene Information

Methylosinus trichosporium is a species of a-proteobacteria in the family Methylocystaceae. Phylogenetic-Analysis-of-the-16S-rDNA-from-Methylosinus-trichosporium-IMV-3011-The-tree.png

Genome structure

The genome structure methylosinus trichosporium was sequenced, assembled, and annotated by the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institut. 44 contigs and 9 scaffolds was assembled from Roche 454-FLX, 454-std, 454-Titanium PE, and Illumina Solexa reads using Velvet (21). Automatic annotation was done using the Prokaryotic Dynamic Programming Genefinding Algorithm. Genome is 4.9 Mbp in size, contains 66% G+C, and encodes a single rRNA operon

Ecology and Pathogenesis

Current Research

Current research is underway for "Methylosinus trichosporium" it is currently being studied for multiple things such as methane assimilation, copper accumulation, and metal-dependent gene expression. Recent interest in methanotroph metabolic engineering has led to new protocols for genetic manipulation of methanotrophs that are effective and simple to use. "Methylosinus trichosporium" has shown to express both sMMO and pMMO, methanobactin (Dassama et al.,2017) and can express two distinct MDHs, the calcium-binding MxaF and the lanthanide-binding XoxF (Haque. Kalidass, et al., 2015).

References,ability%20to%20oxidize%20methane%2C%20M., Soo Y, and Amy C Rosenzweig. “Recent Advances in the Genetic Manipulation of Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b.” Methods in enzymology vol. 605 (2018): 335-349. doi:10.1016/bs.mie.2018.02.011, Soo Y, and Amy C Rosenzweig. “Recent Advances in the Genetic Manipulation of Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b.” Methods in enzymology vol. 605 (2018): 335-349. doi:10.1016/bs.mie.2018.02.011

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