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A Microbial Biorealm page on the genus HTLV2


Viruses; Retro-transcribing viruses; Retroviridae; Orthoretrovirinae; Deltaretrovirus; Primate T-lymphotrophic virus 2 (1).

Description and significance

Describe the disease caused by this organism if it is a pathogen, or the natural macroscopic "field guide" appearance and habitat of your organism if it is not. What is or has been the impact your organism on human history or our environment?. How does it do this? How have we harnessed this power, or tried to prevent it? In other words, how do you know it if you see it, and how does its presence influence humans in the present, and historically?

Genome structure

HTLV-2’s genome is completely sequenced. It has a linear chromosome of single stranded RNA with seven genes, which include HTLV2gp1-6 and HTLV2gs1. It consists of 8,952 nucleotides and has a GC content of 53%. It shows approximately 60% homology to the human T-cell leukemia virus type I. This homology makes it an important research model of deltaretroviruses. Its genomic structure is as follows: LTR-gag-protease-pol-env-X-LTR. The protease gene encodes a protease that can cleave the precursor Gag protein encoded by gag. The pol gene encodes for 982 amino acids. The env gene encodes for 486 amino acids. The X region of the gene is likely responsible for the replication of the virus. The high ratio of synonomous to nonsynomous changes to HTLV-2s genome from HTLV-1’s genome suggests that ability of this virus to produce certain amino acids was not significantly changed.

include Lairmore reference in this section

Cell structure, metabolism & life cycle

Provide a physical and biochemical description of the organism. What kind of organism is it, what does it look like, how is it built, what are its metabolic properties, how can it be identified, what is it's life cycle, &c. In other words, describe the organism from its perspective.

Ecology (including pathogenesis)

Describe its habitat, symbiosis, and contributions to environment. If it is a pathogen, how does this organism cause disease? Human, animal, plant hosts? Describe virulence factors and patient symptoms.

Interesting feature

Describe in detail one particularly interesting aspect of your organism or it's affect on humans or the environment.


1. NCBI Taxonomy Browser. Human T-lymphotrophic virus 2.