Talk:Nematocida parisii

From MicrobeWiki, the student-edited microbiology resource

Very interesting page, Amanda! Overall I really enjoyed learning about this microorganism and its relation with the C. elegans host, however I was curious if there are any other studies involving coevolution with the other possible hosts you mention in your introduction? As far as editing, your analysis of the primary literature is phenomenal and my main suggestions would be to read through for minor grammatical errors. One larger suggestion would be to rename your sub-section "Background on Nematocida parisii" to "Background on interactions between C. elegans and Nematocida parissi" and place it after "Nematocida parisii Cell Shape, Components, and Metabolism" because this is a slightly more logical flow. Overall, lovely job and I enjoyed reading your page. - Sarah Adrianowycz

Amanda, your page is lovely! Since you fixed all of the things Sarah suggested I can't find anything that I would change. You picked an interesting topic and your page flows nicely. I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful. - Alex Gonzales