Uploads by Beinart1

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
14:51, 9 December 2020 1-plasmodial-slime-mould-nigel-downer.jpg (file) 239 KB   1
16:15, 9 December 2020 Plasmodial-life-cycle.jpg (file) 52 KB   1
23:50, 9 December 2020 Sporulation.jpg (file) 29 KB   1
00:25, 10 December 2020 Sclerotium.jpg (file) 43 KB   1
01:15, 10 December 2020 Optimization.jpg (file) 99 KB   1
03:16, 10 December 2020 Tokyo.jpg (file) 88 KB   1
04:24, 10 December 2020 Maze.png (file) 88 KB   1
19:15, 7 April 2021 Glomalean.jpg (file) 302 KB Fossilized hyphae and spores from the Ordovician period (A, B, C, E, F, G) and spores formed by extant glomalean fungi (D and H). 1
19:37, 7 April 2021 Blog-fungi-on-small-tree-roots-3.jpg (file) 759 KB Mycorrhizal fungi colonization of a plant's rhizosphere. 1
21:48, 7 April 2021 Mycotypes.png (file) 311 KB 5 main types of mycorrhizal assosiations 1
00:35, 8 April 2021 Harignet.png (file) 331 KB   1
01:26, 8 April 2021 42003 2019 481 Fig1 HTML.jpg (file) 117 KB   1
02:04, 8 April 2021 Hyphaefossil.PNG (file) 578 KB Fossil ectomycorrhizae associated with Pinus roots 1
02:57, 9 April 2021 Mycocarbon.webp (file) 298 KB Percentage of aboveground plant biomass of mycorrhizal vegetation. a Arbuscular mycorrhizal plants, b ectomycorrhizal plants, c ericoid mycorrhizal plants, and d non-mycorrhizal plants. The map resolution is 10 arcmin. See Supplementary Fig. 4 for associated uncertainty values. 1
03:01, 9 April 2021 41467 2019 13019 Fig2 HTML.webp (file) 63 KB Amount of carbon stored in plant biomass in vegetation of different mycorrhizal types (Mt C per-grid cell of 15 arcmin). a Arbuscular mycorrhizal plants, b ectomycorrhizal plants, c ericoid mycorrhizal plants, d non-mycorrhizal plants. The amount of aboveground biomass carbon stored in arbuscular, ecto-, ericoid and non-mycorrhizal vegetation is 241 ± 15, 100 ± 17, 7 ± 1.8 and 29 ± 5.5 GT (mean values ± uncertainty at 90% confidence interval), respectively 1
13:00, 17 April 2021 Nutrientcyclemyco.PNG (file) 71 KB Micronutrient concentrations in shoots and roots of maize plants grown in different soil treatments for 3 and 6 weeks. Values within a single column followed by different letters are significantly different (Duncan test, P_<0.05). Mean values -+SD of four replicates are given 1