Uploads by Breynos2

From MicrobeWiki, the student-edited microbiology resource

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
20:20, 8 April 2010 Phyllosphere b gross.png (file) 1.04 MB   1
21:44, 11 April 2010 Leaf surface1.jpg (file) 208 KB “Under the microscope, aerial plant leaves resemble eerie landscapes, with deep gorges, tall peaks and gaping pits that riddle the waxy surface."-Leveau, J. 2009 1
02:03, 12 April 2010 Bio interatcions.gif (file) 59 KB Schematic diagram representing various hypothetical bacterial-habitat modifications in the phyllosphere, such as the release of nutrients from plant cells and bacterial cell dispersal effected by the production of syringomycin, which may act both as a phy 2