Uploads by Chenj2

From MicrobeWiki, the student-edited microbiology resource

This special page shows all uploaded files.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
17:30, 22 April 2016 Reaction of reduced flavin with oxygen to generate intracellular O2- and H2O2.jpeg (file) 25 KB   1
22:02, 22 April 2016 Flavin autoxidation.png (file) 142 KB   1
21:47, 25 April 2016 NOX2 complex.png (file) 201 KB   1
21:48, 25 April 2016 Mitochondria.png (file) 182 KB   1
22:02, 25 April 2016 OxyR.png (file) 185 KB   1
22:13, 25 April 2016 PerR.png (file) 347 KB   1
02:47, 26 April 2016 SoxR DNA.png (file) 275 KB   2