Uploads by Plansona

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
05:33, 23 April 2012 New-Forest-Eye.jpg (file) 17 KB Image of bovine eye infected by Moraxella bovis. 2
13:39, 25 April 2012 M.bovis.jpg (file) 17 KB Cattle eye infected by Moraxella bovis, a bacteria causing Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis. R, Craig. New Forest Eye. 2011. Photograph. Http://informedfarmers.com/new-forest-eye-in-beef-cattle/. Web. 1
16:46, 26 April 2012 McMichael.jpg (file) 109 KB Photographed by John C. McMichael, researcher of ''M. bovis'', who found that by puncturing agar plates when planting culture allows for bacteria to grow in large flat colonies between Petri dish and agar. 1
17:56, 26 April 2012 Moraxellabovis.jpg (file) 102 KB   1