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[[File:Tree_of_Life.jpeg|right|400px|The three domains of life, with phylum Proteobacteria. ''From Carl Zimmer's blog, The Loom.'']]

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''Gluconobacter morbifer G707'' [1]
''Gluconobacter morbifer G707'' [1]
[ NCBI:]

==Description and significance==
==Description and significance==
Rahnella aquatilis is a relatively rare gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria which has been found in fresh water, soil, certain animals such as snails [5] and certain beetles, [4] and isolated human clinical specimens. [2]  This bacterium is of importance because of its abundance and its disease-causing ability in humans. Many different strains have been isolated, and presumably more will be disocvered.
''Gluconobacter morbifer'' G707 is a non-motile, aerobic, rod-shaped bacteria found in Seoul, South Korea [2]. Isolated from the gastrointestinal tract of the fruit fly ''Drosophila melanogaster'', this bacteria is described as being a commensal symbiont [2]; however, research on the fruit fly’s gut commensal community provides evidence that an abundance of ''G. morbifer'' causes apoptosis--the process of programmed cell death--of gut cells and an early death to its host [3]. In immune-deregulated hosts, ''G. morbifer'' is associated with the unique trait of pathogenesis promotion, making this bacteria’s genome sequence particularly valuable in furthering scientific understanding of bacterial pathogenesis in varying host environs [4].

==Genome structure==
==Genome structure==
As of the year 2000, at least 70 strains of Rahnella aquatilis have been identified [1].  According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), the whole genome has been sequenced for R. aquatilis Strain Y9602. This particular strain has a genome consisting of 4,864,217 basepairs, with two identified plasmids [2]. Another strain, Rahnella aquatilis CUETM 77-115, was shown to have a genome consisting of 5,440,269 basepairs, and had a G-C content of 52.1% [3].
The ''G. morbifer'' G707 genome contains 2,887,061 DNA base pairs and 2,899 genes [2]. Of those genes, 2,849 are protein coding genes, with 50 labeled as RNA genes [2]. G+C genome content is 59.04% over 19 DNA scaffolds, all of which are linear [2]. Approximately 56% of protein coding genes possess a predicted function [2]. ''G. morbifer'' exhibits a high similarity of 16 rRNA gene sequence to ''Gluconobacter albidus'' BCC 14434 (97.9%), ''Gluconobacter cerinus'' ATCC 19441 (97.6%), ''Gluconobacter oxydans'' ATCC 19357 (97.5%), ''Gluconobacter frateurii'' ATCC 49207 (97.4%), and ''Gluconobacter thailandicus'' F149-1 (97.4%) [3].

==Cell and colony structure==
==Cell and colony structure==
Rahnella aquatilis is gram-negative rod-shaped bacterium, about 2-3 microns in length. Strain ISL 19 was isolated from soybean rhizosphere, and was seen to have several flagella for motility [6]. The bacterium can be readily cultured in the laboratory.  
''G. morbifer'' are nonsporulating, rod-shaped bacteria measuring 0.7 by 1.8 to 2.0 µm, with circular, pink colonies measuring 1.0 to 1.5 mm in diameter (at 25 degree C and aerobic conditions maintained over the course of a two day period on mannitol-agar) [3]. Some cells stain Gram positive while others stain Gram negative, making this a variable Gram staining bacteria [3].

Rahnella aquatilis is a facultative anaerobe (it can live in the absence or presence of oxygen) that fixes Nitrogen [2]. R. aquatilis metabolizing whey lactose produces high levels of organic acids (except for lactic acid) [7].      
''G. morbifer'' exhibits aerobic respiration using an Ubiquinol oxidation pathway with oxygen and proton transport [2]. ''G. morbifer'' is generally auxotrophic, meaning it is unable to manifest many of its own nutritional requirements—like metabolites and amino acids—for growth, making it a fastidious microbe; however, it is prototrophic for L-aspartate and L-glutamate [2]. This bacteria also is characterized as having an incomplete Coenzyme A biosynthesis [2].

Rahnella aquatilis is named so because of its prevalence in fresh water. It has been found around the globe in places like the United States, Korea, Japan, Russia, the Ukraine, and Egypt. R. aquatilis has also been found in humans, soil, and snails [5]. One of the most unusual places for the the microbe to have been found was inside the gut of certain speicies of longicorn beetles in Korea [4].
[[File:Fruit_Fly_Gut.jpeg|left|300px|50 µm. A photomicrographic optical section through the tip of a D. melanogaster larval gut. The green shows activity of the Notch signaling pathway; the blue and red represent stained nuclear and cytoskeletal markers respectively. The image was captured by Jessica Von Stetina of Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, and shared by]] ''G. morbifer'' G707, originally isolated in Seoul, South Korea, exhibit endosymbiotic extracellular physical interactions, living commensally within the intestinal microflora of the fruit fly ''Drosophila melanogaster'' [2]. Despite being described as commensal, the symbiotic relationship between ''G. morbifer'' and host is ultimately dependent upon the condition of the host’s immunity; the strain will display dominance when the host’s immune homeostasis is compromised, resulting in pathology and gradual host opportunistic infection [4]. 3.6 to 7.8 is the recognized optimal pH range for growth [3]. The bacteria has been successfully cultured on mannitol-agar plates (up to 3% NaCl) incubated at 25°C, and has also been observed growing on conventional media (e.g., TSA, R2A) with optimal mesophilic growth ranging 25-30°C [3]. ''G. morbifer'' is oxidase negative and catalase positive [3].

Rahnella aquatilis is pathogenic in humans. The organism can be diagnosed in patients via blood cultures, respiratory washings, and in wound cultures. Various infections, such as bacteremia (from renal infection), sepsis, respiratory infection, and urinary tract infection can be the result. One case involved an 11-month-old girl with congenital heart disease who developed infective endocarditis [8]. Another case involved a 76-year-old male who had prostatic hyperplasia presenting with acute pyelonephritis [9]. It is noted that R. aquatilis can potentially cause life-threatening infections in humans, infants and adults alike, especially the immunocompromised and organ transplant recipients. Treatments have included intravenous and oral levofloxacin therapy (and other members of the quinolone family).
When inhabiting a ''Drosophila melanogaster'' host, mesophilic ''G. morbifer'' is normally harmless, living commensally with other ''Drosophila'' intestinal microbiota [4]. However, when the host’s gut immunity experiences overactivation, ''G. morbifer'' becomes dominant, causing apoptosis (programmed cell death) and early termination of the host [4]. Virulence factors associated with ''G. morbifer's'' promotion of colonization within its host (and thus, gut pathology) is currently unknown [4]. With G707’s unique characteristic of becoming pathogenic in an immune-compromised host, its genome sequence possesses potentially substantial value in terms of improving scientific understanding of pathogenesis in varying host environs at the bacterial level [4]. While official results have yet to be published, it is assumed that in further exploration of ''G. morbifer’s'' role in fruit fly ecology that a relationship between ''D. melanogaster'' physiology and its genotype-based commensal gut community of bacterial strains—specifically with ''G. morbifer''—will be confirmed [3].

[1] J Chemother. 2000 Feb;12(1):30-9. <>
[1]; NCBI
[2] R.J. Martinez. J Bacteriol. 2012 Apr;194(8):2113-4. <>
[3] Robert Martinez, University of Alabama. <>
[4] Park, Doo-Sang, Hyun-Woo Oh, Won-Jin Jeong, et al. "A Culture-Based Study of the Bacterial Communities within the Guts
of Nine Longicorn Beetle Species and their Exo-enzyme Producing Properties
for Degrading Xylan and Pectin." The Journal of Microbiology, October 2007, p. 394-401.
[5] Brenner, Don J., Hans E. Muller, Arnold G. Steigerwalt, et al. "Two new Rahnella genomospecies that cannot
be phenotypically differentiated from Rahnella aquatilis." lnternstional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology (1 998), 48, 141 -149.
[6] Kim, Kil Yong, Diann Jordan, and Hari B. Krishnan. "Rahnella aquatilis, a bacterium isolated from soybean rhizosphere, can solubilize hydroxyapatite." FEMS Microbiology Letters Volume 153, Issue 2, 15 August 1997, Pages 273–277.
[7] Pintado, Manuela E., Ana I.E. Pintado, and F. Xavier Malcata. "Fate of Nitrogen During Metabolism of Whey Lactose by Rahnella aquatilis." Journal of Dairy Science, Volume 82, Issue 11, November 1999, Pages 2315-2326.
[8] Matsukura H., Katayama K., Kitano N., et al.  "Infective endocarditis caused by an unusual gram-negative rod, Rahnella aquatilis." Pediatric Cardiology, 1996 Mar-Apr; 17(2): 108-11.

[9] Tash, Kaley. "Rahnella aquatilis Bacteremia from a Suspected Urinary Source." Journal of Clinical Microbiology. May 2005, vol. 43 no. 5, 2526-2528.
[2] Detail&taxon_oid=2513237393; Markowitz1, V., Chen, I., Palaniappan, K., Chu, K., Szeto, E., Grechkin, Y., Ratner, A., Jacob, B., Huang, J., Williams, P., Huntermann, M., Anderson, I., Mavromatis, K., Ivanova, N., Kyrpides, N. 2012. IMG: the integrated microbial genomes database and comparative analysis system. [Accessed 22 January 2013].

[3] Roh, S., Nam, Y., Chang, H., Kim, K., Kim, M., Ryu, J., Kim, S., Lee, W., Bee, J. 2008. Phylogenic Characterization of Two Novel Commensal Bacteria Involved with Innate Immune Homeostasis in ''Drosophila melanogaster''. Appl Environ Microbio. 74(20): 6171-6177.

[4] Kim, E., Kim, S., Nam, H., Myoung, K., Lee. K., Choi, S., Seo, Y., You, H., Kim, B., Lee, W. 2012. Draft Genome Sequence of ''Gluconobacter morbifer'' G707, a Pathogenic Gut Bacterium Isolated from Drosophila melanogaster Intestine. J Bacteriol. 194(5): 1245. Doi: 10.1128/JB.06670-11.

Edited by Christopher John Connor, student of Dr. Lisa R. Moore, University of Southern Maine, Department of Biological Sciences,
Edited by Lon R. Cameron, student of Dr. Lisa R. Moore, University of Southern Maine, Department of Biological Sciences,

Latest revision as of 01:15, 2 May 2013

This student page has not been curated.

A Microbial Biorealm page on the genus Gluconobacter morbifer G707

The three domains of life, with phylum Proteobacteria. From Carl Zimmer's blog, The Loom.


Higher order taxa

Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Alphaproteobacteria; Rhodospirillales; Acetobacteraceae; Gluconobacter [1]


Gluconobacter morbifer G707 [1] NCBI:

Description and significance

Gluconobacter morbifer G707 is a non-motile, aerobic, rod-shaped bacteria found in Seoul, South Korea [2]. Isolated from the gastrointestinal tract of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, this bacteria is described as being a commensal symbiont [2]; however, research on the fruit fly’s gut commensal community provides evidence that an abundance of G. morbifer causes apoptosis--the process of programmed cell death--of gut cells and an early death to its host [3]. In immune-deregulated hosts, G. morbifer is associated with the unique trait of pathogenesis promotion, making this bacteria’s genome sequence particularly valuable in furthering scientific understanding of bacterial pathogenesis in varying host environs [4].

Genome structure

The G. morbifer G707 genome contains 2,887,061 DNA base pairs and 2,899 genes [2]. Of those genes, 2,849 are protein coding genes, with 50 labeled as RNA genes [2]. G+C genome content is 59.04% over 19 DNA scaffolds, all of which are linear [2]. Approximately 56% of protein coding genes possess a predicted function [2]. G. morbifer exhibits a high similarity of 16 rRNA gene sequence to Gluconobacter albidus BCC 14434 (97.9%), Gluconobacter cerinus ATCC 19441 (97.6%), Gluconobacter oxydans ATCC 19357 (97.5%), Gluconobacter frateurii ATCC 49207 (97.4%), and Gluconobacter thailandicus F149-1 (97.4%) [3].

Cell and colony structure

G. morbifer are nonsporulating, rod-shaped bacteria measuring 0.7 by 1.8 to 2.0 µm, with circular, pink colonies measuring 1.0 to 1.5 mm in diameter (at 25 degree C and aerobic conditions maintained over the course of a two day period on mannitol-agar) [3]. Some cells stain Gram positive while others stain Gram negative, making this a variable Gram staining bacteria [3].


G. morbifer exhibits aerobic respiration using an Ubiquinol oxidation pathway with oxygen and proton transport [2]. G. morbifer is generally auxotrophic, meaning it is unable to manifest many of its own nutritional requirements—like metabolites and amino acids—for growth, making it a fastidious microbe; however, it is prototrophic for L-aspartate and L-glutamate [2]. This bacteria also is characterized as having an incomplete Coenzyme A biosynthesis [2].


50 µm. A photomicrographic optical section through the tip of a D. melanogaster larval gut. The green shows activity of the Notch signaling pathway; the blue and red represent stained nuclear and cytoskeletal markers respectively. The image was captured by Jessica Von Stetina of Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, and shared by

G. morbifer G707, originally isolated in Seoul, South Korea, exhibit endosymbiotic extracellular physical interactions, living commensally within the intestinal microflora of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster [2]. Despite being described as commensal, the symbiotic relationship between G. morbifer and host is ultimately dependent upon the condition of the host’s immunity; the strain will display dominance when the host’s immune homeostasis is compromised, resulting in pathology and gradual host opportunistic infection [4]. 3.6 to 7.8 is the recognized optimal pH range for growth [3]. The bacteria has been successfully cultured on mannitol-agar plates (up to 3% NaCl) incubated at 25°C, and has also been observed growing on conventional media (e.g., TSA, R2A) with optimal mesophilic growth ranging 25-30°C [3]. G. morbifer is oxidase negative and catalase positive [3].


When inhabiting a Drosophila melanogaster host, mesophilic G. morbifer is normally harmless, living commensally with other Drosophila intestinal microbiota [4]. However, when the host’s gut immunity experiences overactivation, G. morbifer becomes dominant, causing apoptosis (programmed cell death) and early termination of the host [4]. Virulence factors associated with G. morbifer's promotion of colonization within its host (and thus, gut pathology) is currently unknown [4]. With G707’s unique characteristic of becoming pathogenic in an immune-compromised host, its genome sequence possesses potentially substantial value in terms of improving scientific understanding of pathogenesis in varying host environs at the bacterial level [4]. While official results have yet to be published, it is assumed that in further exploration of G. morbifer’s role in fruit fly ecology that a relationship between D. melanogaster physiology and its genotype-based commensal gut community of bacterial strains—specifically with G. morbifer—will be confirmed [3].


[1]; NCBI

[2] Detail&taxon_oid=2513237393; Markowitz1, V., Chen, I., Palaniappan, K., Chu, K., Szeto, E., Grechkin, Y., Ratner, A., Jacob, B., Huang, J., Williams, P., Huntermann, M., Anderson, I., Mavromatis, K., Ivanova, N., Kyrpides, N. 2012. IMG: the integrated microbial genomes database and comparative analysis system. [Accessed 22 January 2013].

[3] Roh, S., Nam, Y., Chang, H., Kim, K., Kim, M., Ryu, J., Kim, S., Lee, W., Bee, J. 2008. Phylogenic Characterization of Two Novel Commensal Bacteria Involved with Innate Immune Homeostasis in Drosophila melanogaster. Appl Environ Microbio. 74(20): 6171-6177.

[4] Kim, E., Kim, S., Nam, H., Myoung, K., Lee. K., Choi, S., Seo, Y., You, H., Kim, B., Lee, W. 2012. Draft Genome Sequence of Gluconobacter morbifer G707, a Pathogenic Gut Bacterium Isolated from Drosophila melanogaster Intestine. J Bacteriol. 194(5): 1245. Doi: 10.1128/JB.06670-11.

Edited by Lon R. Cameron, student of Dr. Lisa R. Moore, University of Southern Maine, Department of Biological Sciences,