Shigella boydii

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A Microbial Biorealm page on the genus Shigella boydii


Higher order taxa

Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gamma Proteobacteria;Enterobacteriales;Enterobacteriaceae;Shigella


Shigella boydii

NCBI: Taxonomy

Description and significance

Shigella boydii is a bacillary (rod-shaped), nonmotile, non-spore forming gram negative bacterium. Evolutionarily, Shigella bacteria are thought to be derived from different strains of Escherichia coli although some serotypes of Shigella boydii seem to be more closely related to other species. S. boydii type 13, for example, shares sequence similarities with Vibrio cholerae for the genes encoding the O antigen, the polysaccharide part of the lipopolysaccharide, and therefore these may be more closely related.

Describe the appearance, habitat, etc. of the organism, and why it is important enough to have its genome sequenced. Describe how and where it was isolated. Include a picture or two (with sources) if you can find them.

Genome structure

Describe the size and content of the genome. How many chromosomes? Circular or linear? Other interesting features? What is known about its sequence? Does it have any plasmids? Are they important to the organism's lifestyle?

Cell structure and metabolism

Describe any interesting features and/or cell structures; how it gains energy; what important molecules it produces.


Describe any interactions with other organisms (included eukaryotes), contributions to the environment, effect on environment, etc.


Known to cause Shigellosis (bacillary dysentery) through oral-fecal transmission. Shigella bacteria is a highly infective agent able to infect a host with less than 20 cells, in favorable conditions. General symptoms are diarrhea and fever, which in most cases is mild and resolves in about a week. Although everyone is susceptible to infection and the more severe symptoms, which include, stomach cramps, high fever and severe bloody diarrhea, the elderly, very young and patients with immune deficiency diseases are much more sensitive to the bacteria. Usually Shigella bacteria is found in areas of low sanitary regulation. Food washed with contaminated water or not cleaned properly may also be a target. In 1998 an outbreak of Shigellosis occurred in Chicago due to Shigella boydii type 18 found on the cilantro and parsley in bean salad. Less than 10% of foodborne illnesses are attributed to Shigella bacteria in the United States. There are about 300,000 yearly reported incidents of shigellosis in the U.S. and the percentage due to food contamination is unknown, but given its infectiousness the number is undoubtedly high. Around the world Shigella boydii is mainly restricted to the sub-continent of India.

Application to Biotechnology

Does this organism produce any useful compounds or enzymes? What are they and how are they used?

Current Research

Enter summaries of the most recent research here--at least three required


1. Feng, Lu, Sof'ya N. Senchenkova, Jinghua Yang, Alexander S. Shashkov, Jiang Tao, Hongjie Guo, Guang Zhao, Yuriy A. Knirel, Peter Reeves, and Lei Wang. "Structural and Genetic Characterization of the Shigella Boydii Type 13 O Antigen." J Bacteriol 186(2) (2004): 383-392. PMID 14702307

2. "Shigella." U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 14 June 2006. Department of Health and Human Services. 30 Apr. 2007 <>.

3. Yang, Fan, Jian Yang, Xiaobing Zhang, and Yan Jiang. "Genome Dynamics and Diversity of Shigella Species, the Etiologic Agents of Bacillary Dysentery." Nucleic Acids Research 33 (2005): 6445-6458. Oxford University Press. 2 May 2007.

4. "Shigellosis." CDC. 13 Oct. 2005. HHS. 1 May 2007 <>

5. Woodward, David L., Clifford G. Clark, Richard A. Caldeira, and Rafiq Ahmed. "Identification and Characterization of Shigella Boydii 20 Serovar Nov., a New and Emerging Shigella Serotype." Journal of Medical Microbiology 54 (2005): 741-748. Society of General Microbiology. 3 May 2007. <>

Edited by James Cunningham a student of Rachel Larsen and Kit Pogliano