Propionibacterium ruminifibrarum
Bacteria; Actinomycetota; Actinomycetes; Propionibacteriales; Propionibacteriaceae
NCBI: [1] |
Propionibacterium ruminifibrarum
Description and Significance
P. ruminifibrarum is rod-shaped and found in the skin of animals and humans. P. ruminifibrarum is specifically found in the rumen of a Holstein Friesian dairy cow. P. ruminifibrarum is important because it is a novel species found within Propionibacterium, that metabolizes differently than other Propionibacterium species.
Genome Structure
The DNA G+C content of the type strain is 68.9 mol%. Cells are present in single cells and in clusters. Against P. australiense, the average genome wide nucleotide identity was 88.3% and 35.5% digital DNA-DNA hybridization.
Cell Structure, Metabolism and Life Cycle
P. ruminifibrarum can convert D-adonitol, galactose, glucose, inositol, DL-lactate, mannose, meso-erythritol, ribose, and sorbitol, to propionate and acetate, and succinate and/or formate. This strain, JV5T, could not directly degrade plant carbon sources, but could use the compounds made by the primary degraders.
Ecology and Pathogenesis
Page authored by Joanna Rose Bologna, student of Prof. Bradley Tolar at UNC Wilmington.