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Revision as of 02:13, 26 April 2010 by Pricea (talk | contribs)
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This is a really good topic, particularly for this year. Overall you conveyed an important message, and it was good that you focused just on the evolutionary aspect of H1N1, given that there are many aspects to a virus. A couple of things: where did you find out that "only three influenza A subtypes have been commonly found to successfully infect and transmit from human cell to human cell." (in Intro)? I'm not sure if this is a common known fact, so it may be good to cite the source. Also, there are a few grammatical errors throughout the page, so it would definitely be worth re-checking and proofreading. On a similar note, some of the sentences are repetitive or awkwardly constructed, so proofreading will help pick out those wordy areas.

Overall, I think you did a good job. I particularly thought the headings were helpful to summarize the upcoming section and the figures were appropriate and appealing.

I thought that the paper provided a very thorough overview of the evolution of H1N1. It is a very relevant topic in this time, so nice choice in that regard. As in the previous comment, I suggest some more proofreading as there are a few spots with grammatical mistakes. Also, the parts that were not related to research do not have citations by them, which you may want to add. I thought your choices for figures were good, but in addition to the figures you may want to reference them in the text. One thing I wondered about was whether it would be possible to include a little more information about the actual symptoms of H1N1 and how they may be different from or similar to other strains of influenza. Overall I thought it was an interesting topic and a good paper. Well done!

In addition to the previous comments, I would suggest that you be cautious of your word choice when interpreting literature. Very rarely is something "ruled out" (from your Ohio paper) or "proven." In addition, be careful of causative sentences like "It was thought that because of this, the triple reassortment that occurs in swine is derived from avian, swine, and human and passed on to human, causing a pandemic" -- the passage of the virus from animal hosts is not the cause of the virus being pandemic, it's the characteristics of the virus itself that determine whether a pandemic can occur. I find your writing to be unclear due to vague word choice and unstructured sentences in some sections. I appreciate your usage of studies performed in Ohio -- that really makes it relevant. Your images are well-chosen and supplement your article well.