Flavobacterium hibernum

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A photomicrograph of F. hibernum grown on nutrient-poor medium at 20C for 24hr


Domain: Bacteria Phylum: Bacteroidetes Class: Flavobacteria Order: Flavobacteriales Family: Flavobacteriaceae


NCBI: Taxonomy

Flavobacterium hibernum

This chart displays the evolutionary biology of F. hibernum.

Description and Significance

Flavobacterium hibernum, meaning “wintry yellow bacteria”, is a Gram negative rod-shaped, aerobic bacterium, able to grow on cold, nutrient-poor media. First isolated from Crooked Lake in Antarctica (McCammon, 1998), but is now known to be found worldwide, in freshwater, ice, and soil ecosystems, and is largely unexplored genetically (Chen, 2006). An optimal growth temperature of 26ºC groups F. hibernum with psychrotrophic microbes, although the temperatures at which growth was possible ranged from -7ºC to 30ºC. This bacterium exhibits gliding motility, the mechanism of which is unknown. However, this method of motility may relate to its ability to lyse Gram-positive cells (such as E. coli) as a bacteriovore in the food web. F. hibernum is able to utilize a wide variety of sugars and substrate containing other nutrients. Additionally, Flavobacterium hibernum and other Flavobacteria are commonly found in aquatic environments, including treeholes where container-breeding mosquitoes breed. Flavobacterium are consumed by several species of mosquito, including Anopheles gambiae and Aedes triseriatus, which can act as vectors for disease (Chen, 2010). It has been proposed that F. hibernum or other members of its genus could be modified to deliver toxins from B. thuringiensis or B. sphaericus and be used as a “novel insecticide to lower mosquito populations” (Chen, 2010). However, care must be taken, as some species of Flavobacterium are toxic to fish.

Genome Structure

Describe the size and content of the genome. How many chromosomes? Circular or linear? Other interesting features? What is known about its sequence?

Cell Structure, Metabolism and Life Cycle

Interesting features of cell structure; how it gains energy; what important molecules it produces.

Ecology and Pathogenesis

F. hibernum can range in a wide range of ecosystems; it was initially isolated from a water-filled tree hold in an American beech tree. [Strong promoters] They are found to have associations with mosquitoes such as Ochlerotatus triseriatus which dwell in similar environments. Mosquitoes are said to feed upon Flavobacterium sp. as well as other microorganisms. F. hibernum could also be isolated, at low temperatures ranging between 30 and 40 degrees Celsius, to trigger hydrolysis of lactose. This could possibly help aid in the processing of dairy foods because the human body cannot tolerate lactose found in unfermented dairy. F. hibernum is able to break down a large array of nutrients: casein, starch, aesculin, DNA, L-tyrosine, and Tween 80. Another focus of this microbe is the ability to reduce Nitrate to Nitrite; this can be helpful for creating a microbial loop. The microbial loop formed by F. hibernum is the primary route for the recycling of nutrients in these fresh water lakes found, not only in Antarctica, but all around the world.


S.A. McCammon, B.H. Innes, J.P. Bowman, P.D. Franzmann, S.J. Dobson, P.E. Holloway, J.H. Skerratt, P.D. Nichols, and L.M. "Flavobacterium hibernum sp. nov., a lactose-utilizing bacterium from a freshwater Antarctic lake". International Journal of Systematic and Bacteriology. 1998. Volume 48. p. 1405-1412.


Page authored by _____, student of Prof. Jay Lennon at Michigan State University.

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