Pandoravirus salinus

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Because virus oppose the The Cell Theory, thus, it doesn't fits into the three domain system of biological classification. However,the discovery of Pandoravirus salinus lead scientist to think about the possibility of the existence of the fourth domain of life, other than Archean, Bacteria and Eukarya.


Figure above illustrates Pandoravirus salinus infecting Amoeba. Source:

Description and Significance

Pandoravirus salinus is the largest known virus to date. It is found in the sediments of Chile coastal area by Jean-Michel Claverie and Chantal Abergel, evolutionary biologists at Aix-Marseille University of France. The largest know virus on Earth is classified as Group I virus under the Baltimore Classification. The existence of Pandoravirus salinus hint the unknown parts of the tree of life and also suggest the existence of the fourth domain because only 7% of their genes match those in existing databases.

When people look into cells and when they see things that don't have the right dimension or don't have regular assets or geometries, they don't think of viruses—they think its some kind of bacteria." owever, with its novel morphological features and genetic code twice the size of Megavirus, pandoraviruses will eventually add a new range of questions to the abiding question of the origins of life on Earth.

Give a brief description of the microorganism and explain why you think it is important. How does it relate to the other organisms in its phylum (bacteria and fungi) or group (archaea, virus, protist). Use the following for each reference in text (change number accordingly)--> [1]

Structure, Metabolism, and Life Cycle

Their size is 1 micrometre long and 0.5 micrometres across, large enough to be observe under a light microscope. and It's got an arsenal of 2,556 genes compared with the flu's 7 or HIV's 9.

According to the researchers that discovered the largest known virus off the coast of central Chile, the virus happens to have no morphological or genomic resemblance to any previously defined virus families. ??? Their micrometer-sized ovoid particles contain DNA genomes of at least 2.5 and 1.9 megabases, respectively.

Interesting features of its structure; how it gains energy (how it replicates, if virus); what important molecules it produces (if any), does it have an interesting life cycle?

Comparison of number bases with viruses, bacteria, archaean and bacteria. Source:

Ecology and Pathogenesis

It is reported that the virus was isolated from the mouth of Chile's Tunquen River located in central of Chile. Furthermore, another member of the Pandoravirus genus, Pandoravirus dulcius were found in a freshwater pond near Melbourne, Australia. Therefore, their habitat is most likely to be in water. Based on Claverie and Abergel's observation, they observed that the Pandoraviruses parasitize amoebas. In addition, the researchers who responsible for the the discovery say that these megaviruses, which live underwater, are harmless to humans (so far)

Natural habitat (soil, water, commensal of humans or animals?)
If relevant, how does this organism cause disease? Human, animal, or plant hosts? Important virulence factors, as well as patient symptoms.


[1] EXAMPLE ONLY. REPLACE WITH YOUR REFERENCES. Takai, K., Sugai, A., Itoh, T., and Horikoshi, K. 2000. "Palaeococcus ferrophilus gen. nov., sp. nov., a barophilic, hyperthermophilic archaeon from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent chimney". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 50: 489-500.


Page authored by Mei Kuen Tang, student of Mandy Brosnahan, Instructor at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, MICB 3301/3303: Biology of Microorganisms.