Leptospira Interrogans

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Higher Order Taxa
Bacteria; Spirochaetes; Spirochaetia; Spirochaetales; Leptospiraceae; Leptospira

Leptospira interrogans

Cell Structure and Metabolism

Leptospira interrogans is a gram negative bacteria. The cell is thin and spiral shaped with a hook on each end. It is motile and possesses two periplasmic flagella. The L. interrogans species can be broken down into roughly 250 serovars. Leptospiral serovar diversity results from structural differences in carbohydrate component of lipopolysaccharides. Many serovars are adapted for specific mammalian reservoir hosts. Leptospira interrogans is an aerobic bacteria and possesses both catalase and oxidase enzymes and does not ferment carbohydrates.

Genomic Structure

Mechanisms of Infection

L. interrogans can be spread through the bodily fluids, excluding the saliva, of infected animals. The bacteria can enter the body through skin or mucous membranes and via consumption of contaminated water. Infected wild and domestic animals may continue to excrete the bacteria into the environment for up to several years and the bacteria can remain in soil and water for months at a time.

Symptoms and Impact


Leptospirosis in kidney.jpg
Leptospirosis infected kidney tissue

Other Mammals

Prevention of Leptospirosis

Due to the common transmission of L. interrogans via rodents, one of the most effective methods of prevention in animals is minimizing rodent populations near animal residences. Pets can also be vaccinated against Leptospirosis, but the vaccine only inhibits a handful of serovars. There is no formal method of Leptospirosis prevention in humans. Chance of contraction can be reduced by minimizing or avoiding direct contact with animal excrement or water contaminated with animal waste.

Current Research

Further Reading

[Sample link] Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever—Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Special Pathogens Branch


"Leptospirosis Signs and Symptoms." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 17 June 2011. Web. 21 Mar. 2015.

Edited by Emily Gratke, a student of Nora Sullivan in BIOL168L (Microbiology) in The Keck Science Department of the Claremont Colleges Spring 2015.