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(A)Overview of the Altiarchaeales biofilm using electron micrograph. Cells are connected by tube like appendages. (B) Detailed micrograph showing a close up of the appendages connecting multiple cells.[1].

By [Benjamin A. Canniff]

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Legend/credit: Electron micrograph of the Ebola Zaire virus. This was the first photo ever taken of the virus, on 10/13/1976. By Dr. F.A. Murphy, now at U.C. Davis, then at the CDC.
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Higher Order Taxa


  • Domain: Archaea
    • Phylum: Euryarchaeota
      • Class: Unknown
        • Order: Altiarchaeales
          • Family: Altiarchaeaceae

Section 2

  • Genus: Altiarchaeum
  • Species: Archaea

Description and Significance

Altiarchaeles are an order of uncultured Archaea that is a recently proposed order. The Altiarchaeles’ lineage is made up of genetically diverse and globally wide spread microorganisms that can be found in anoxic subsurface environments, and are one of the few archaea that have a double membrane. The entire cell wall consists of an outer membrane separated by a periplasmic space from the cytoplasmic membrane. In depth genome analysis suggests that Altiarchaeles are autotrophic, utilizing a modified version of the archaeal reductive acetyl-CoA pathway, otherwise known as the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway for metabolism [4].

Figure 2: Scanning Electron Micrograph of Ca. A. hamiconexum cells within their biofilm. Extracellular polymeric matrix and cell-surface appendages connect the individual cells. [2].

The Archaea was first discovered over 15 years ago in a swamp located in Germany, where scientists noticed a so-called string of pearls microbe community floating on the surface of the water. They took samples of these colonies and found that the inner part of the string of pearls was made up of a new microorganism, now known as Canididatus Altiarchaeum hamiconexum. The outer part of the pearls turned out to be a filamentous sulfur-oxidizing microorganism called Thiothrix. Another group of Ca. A. hamiconexum was discovered in a drilled 36.5 m deep hole that had sulfidic ground water coming from it. However unlike before, where the Ca. A. hamiconexum was in a string of pearls colony formation, they found a biofilm composed almost purely of just Ca. A. hamiconexum. At that point in time an archaea that had the ability to form a highly-pure biofilm in the natural environment had not been discovered yet, making Ca. A. hamiconexum the first of its kind. The size and purity of the biofilm found indicated that the Ca. A. hamiconexum not only were metabolically active but also had a high efficiency at reproducing. The biofilm also seems to be able to out compete or suppress other organisms by some unknown means, leading the high purity of the biofilm [4].

Figure 3: Scanning Electron Micrograph of hami, barbed-wire like surface appendages of Ca. A. hamiconexum. [3].

By some unknown mechanism, parts of the biofilm are released and transported to the surface by the water’s current, making this the first archaeal organism that undergoes a change in its lifestyle while remaining in its natural habitat. When these parts reach the surface, they form a companionship with the sulfur-oxidizing Thiothrix and form the string of pearls colony. Scientist also found that the lower the oxygen concentration in the body of water, the greater the abundance of Ca. A. hamiconexum present in the ecosystem. The unique characteristic of the Ca. A. hamiconexum is its appendage called the hami that acts like a grappling hook, anchoring the string of pearls colony to a solid object. This anchor allows the colony to stay stationary on top of the water even if there is a current. These hami appendages are unique to Ca. A. hamiconexum and have no analog in other microbes. Once anchored above the water, the archaea proliferate for a few days before the string of pearls comes apart and the microbes disperse into the water. Even though these hami have some similarities to flagella and other pili, altiarchaeales are a non-motile archaea. Unfortunately to this day the microorganism still hasn’t been successfully cultured, instead relying on cultivation from mass string of pearls communities created in nature through the use of polyethylene nets (Probst, 2014). Scientists have not been able to recreate in lab the specific environment conditions that are needed for Ca. A. hamiconexum to grow. These conditions being a very high flow rate of water rushing past it, around 5400 L/minute, which makes the estimation of nutrient availability and waste product concentrations to be extremely difficult to estimate. However the discovery of Altiarchaeales has revealed that the subsurface can harbor lineages of microbial life that are still vastly unexplored. Hopefully through studying the Altiarchaeales’ genomic and phylogeny data scientists can piece together lineages and discover completely new organism living deep below the surface [4].

Structure of Biofilm and Hami Appendages



1.Bird, Jordan T., Brett J. Baker, Alexander J. Probst, Mircea Podar, and Karen G. Lloyd. "Culture Independent Genomic Comparisons Reveal Environmental Adaptations for Altiarchaeales." Frontiers in Microbiology 7 (2016).

2. Probst, Alexander J., Thomas Weinmaier, Kasie Raymann, Alexandra Perras, Joanne B. Emerson, Thomas Rattei, Gerhard Wanner, Andreas Klingl, Ivan A. Berg, Marcos Yoshinaga, Bernhard Viehweger, Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, Brian C. Thomas, Sandra Meck, Anna K. Auerbach, Matthias Heise, Arno Schintlmeister, Markus Schmid, Michael Wagner, Simonetta Gribaldo, Jillian F. Banfield, and Christine Moissl-Eichinger. "Biology of a Widespread Uncultivated Archaeon That Contributes to Carbon Fixation in the Subsurface." Nature Communications 5 (2014).

3. Moissl, Christine, Reinhard Rachel, Ariane Briegel, Harald Engelhardt, and Robert Huber. "The Unique Structure of Archaeal ‘hami’, Highly Complex Cell Appendages with Nano‐grappling Hooks." Molecular Microbiology. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 07 Mar. 2005. Web. 21 Apr. 2017.

4. Probst, Alexander J., and Christine Moissl-Eichinger. "“Altiarchaeales”: Uncultivated Archaea from the Subsurface." Life. MDPI, June 2015. Web. 22 Apr. 2017

5. Borrel, Guillaume, Panagiotis S. Adam, and Simonetta Gribaldo. "Methanogenesis and the Wood–Ljungdahl Pathway: An Ancient, Versatile, and Fragile Association." Genome Biology and Evolution 8.6 (2016): 1706-711.

Authored for BIOL 238 Microbiology, taught by Joan Slonczewski, 2017, Kenyon College.