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Irina C

Welcome to the world of GEOMICROBIOLOGY! In a nutshell, geomicrobiology includes microbes that "eat rocks". A more precise definition is "a subset of the scientific discipline microbiology. The field of geomicrobiology concerns the role of microbe and microbial processes in geological and geochemical processes. The field is especially important when dealing with microorganisms in aquifers and public drinking water supplies." (wikipedia)

This page will discuss a broad introduction to what geomicrobiological processes are all about, key microorganisms found in geomicrobiology, examples of such microbes, and current research in this field.


Process - key points

Describe the process, using as many sections/subsections as you require. Look at the list of other topics. Which involve processes similar to yours? Create links where relevant.

Geobiology habitats


soil---aggregate pore

water--deep sea

Hydrothermo vent


Temperature extreme---polar

PH-Low or High PH env.


Microbial Energetics

Geobiology method

We need to measure redox potential, PH, temperature and available electron donor and acceptor. Microbe foam a consortium so we need pure isolate method. Phase contrast, DIC, Epiflorsentce FISH MPN

Key Microorganisms within Geomicrobiology

Geomicrobiology included organisms that are concidered extremophiles. Extremophiles are microorganisms that live in areas considered too hostile for most. An example of an extremophile is anerobic sulfate reducing bacteria, which are know to live in hyper-saline lagoons in Brazil and Australia. It is believed these bacteria may be responsible for the formation of dolmite

Examples of Microorganisms

An example of extemophile organism is: anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacteria

Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) comprise of several groups of bacteria that use sulfate as an oxidizing agent, reducing it to sulfide. Most sulfate-reducing bacteria can also use other oxidized sulfur compounds such as sulfite and thiosulfate, or elemental sulfur. This type of metabolism is called dissimilatory, since sulfur is not incorporated - assimilated - into any organic compounds. Sulfate-reducing bacteria have been considered as a possible way to deal with acid mine waters that are produced by other bacteria.

Another interested description of SRB is found at

Current Research and Links

There is a very intresting site hosted by the Geomicrobiology & Environmental Microbiology Studies at Louisiana State University This site is filled with current research photos and informative discussions concerning the topic.


[Sample reference] Takai, K., Sugai, A., Itoh, T., and Horikoshi, K. "Palaeococcus ferrophilus gen. nov., sp. nov., a barophilic, hyperthermophilic archaeon from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent chimney". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2000. Volume 50. p. 489-500.

Edited by student of Kate Scow