Marine Sponge: Sponge-Bacteria Association

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Marine Sponges

Overview of Marine Sponges

Marine sponges are the oldest and simplest animals that have been living on earth for billions of years. There are various types of sponges under Phylum PORIFERA. They grow in every ocean in the world regardless of extreme temperatures. They can be found hundreds of meters under sea level but mostly are found in 5-50 meters deep. Marine sponges are filter-feeding animals; approximately 20 centimeters sponge can filter up to 2000 liters of seawater during one day. Inside the sponge, the vibration of ciliates, the special cells circulate seawater through small pores and absorb planktons and small sea organisms. (1)

Living Conditions/Locations


Adjacent Communities



Sponge-Microbe Association

Microbial Metabolism of Sponges



Interactions with Other Organisms


File:Branching Vase.jpg File:Branchingtube.jpg GiantBarrel.jpg File:Worms 01.jpg
Branching Vase Sponge Branching Tube Sponge Giant Barrel Sponge

Current Research
