Talk:Link Between Microbes and Obesity
Overall this is a well put together page. The images are easy to understand and go along well with the text. Just a few things: I think it would be break your headings into even smaller sections; I feel like "gut microbiota" and "Current Research" are very vague headings. This will help organize the page, make the sections look less daunting, and allow the reader to better connect ideas. For example, I think your Current Research Section could be broken down by the specific studies you looked at. You could expand on them more, provide a figure for each, etc. Also, be sure to cite all of your information. Number your references and then refer to the numbers in the txt. Finally, expand more on your conclusion it seems to only be referring back to the current studies. Maybe mention even more about a possible future direction? What are some mysteries that are still present? -Nicole Valentini