Prevotella histicola

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Prevotella histicola


Domain: Bacteria

Phylum: Bacteroidetes

Class: Bacteroides

Order: Bacteroidales

Family: Prevotellaceae

Genus: Prevotella

Species: histicola



Prevotella histicola

Introduction: Description and significance

Prevotella histicola are Gram-negative bacilli that are obligately anaerobic, vary in pigmentation and are non-motile. It is part of the normal flora of the human oral microbiota and is generally commensal, but are known to intrude the epithelial cells lining the cheeks. The Prevotella species are affiliated with many oral diseases and certain infections found in other areas of the human body.[2][3] The human oral cavity consist of many different habitats, including teeth, gingival sulcus, tongue, cheeks, hard and soft palates, and tonsils which are colonized by bacteria.The oral microbiome is comprised of over 600 prevalent taxa at the species level, with distinct subsets predominating at different habitats.[5]


Prevotella histicola is found in the mucosal tissues of the human oral cavity.[2] The human oral cavity is the threshold to the human body. Energy, food, enters the mouth, is broken down and is mixed with saliva prior to traveling through the remainder of the body. This aids in the possibility of spreading the bacteria from the mouth to other parts of the body.

Strain Information;jsessionid=8573FE8E465D1173B6BC26CE22061091.straininfo2



2. NEW TAXA - Bacteroidetes: Julia Downes, Samuel J. Hooper, Melanie J. Wilson, and William G. Wade Prevotella histicola sp. nov., isolated from the human oral cavity Int J Syst Evol Microbiol August 2008 58:1788-1791; doi:10.1099/ijs.0.65656-0 Link:

3. Rudney, J. D., Chen, R. & Zhang, G. (2005). Steptococci dominate the diverse flora within buccal cells. J Dent Res 84, 1165-1171.



Edited by (Shayron Minish Yeaw), student of Rachel Larsen at the University of Southern Maine