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Name Bench ID Date [1]


Higher order taxa

Bacteria; Firmicutes; Negativicutes; Veillonellales; Veillonellaceae; Veillonella (1).


Veillonella parvula

Type strain: ATCC 10790 T , ATCC 17742 T , CCUG 5123 T , DSM 2008 T , JCM 12972 T , KCTC 5019 T , NCTC 11810 T , Prevot Te 3 T , Prévot Te3 T , strain ATCC 10790 T , Te 3 T , VTT E-001737 T (2).

Description and significance

Veilonella parvula is a small, strictly anaerobic, gram negative coccus bacterium that lack flagella, spores and capsules (3). The genus Veillonella was first isolated by Veillon and Zuber in 1898 and currently subdivided into 13 species: V. atypica, V. caviae, V. criceti, V. denticariosi, V. dispar, V. magna, V. montpellierensis, V. parvula, V. ratti, V. rodentium, V. rogosae, V. seminalis, and V. tobetsuensis (4,5). V. parvula form part of the normal flora of the oral, respiratory, gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts in humans and animals (6). V. parvula have been isolated from clinical specimens (7), typically using selective agar based on vancomycin resistance (8,9).

The identification of Veillonella isolates to the species level is difficult because of a lack of conventional phenotypic and biochemical testing in providing sufficient discrimination between species. Thus, molecular methods based on 16S ribosomal DNA gene sequencing such as PCR random fragment-length polymorphism is used to identify Veillonella strains at the species level (10,11). In addition, sequence analysis of housekeeping genes, including rpoB, dnaK and gyrB have also been used to identify Veillonella species (5).

V. parvula is often regarded as contaminant or commensal in the oral, gastrointestinal, and genitourinary tracts microflora (12). It has also been reported to be pathogenically involved in infections including meningitis (7), osteomyelitis (13), endocarditis (14), periodontitis, periodontal abscess and various acute oral conditions (31,32). In addition, V. parvula has been associated with severe early childhood caries (16). Rather than being a sole pathogen, V. parvula is more often involved in multispecies infections (17).

V. parvula play a central in establishing multispecies oral biofilms with the early, middle and late colonizers (18, 19, 20). This is due to its ability to from intergenic coaggregates with other bacteria, such as Streptococcus mutans. Studies have showed that dual-species biofilms such as V. parvula and S. mutans biofilms are more resistant to antimicrobial treatments than single-species biofilms (22).

The understanding of interactions of V. parvula with other bacteria such as Streptococcus in oral biofilm formation is important to help preventing oral infectious diseases (4).

Examples of citations [1], [2]

Genome structure

Referring to the complete genome sequence of V. parvula type strain Te3T, the genome consists of one main circular chromosome comprised of 2,132,142 base pairs with a GC content of 38.6%. 1,920 genes identified in the genome, with 1,859 were protein coding genes, 61 were RNAs and 15 pseudogenes (17). 73.6% of the genes identified were assigned a putative function whereas the remainders were annotated as hypothetical proteins (17).

Cell structure and metabolism

Cell structure. V. parvula cell is small, non-motile, spherical or cocci in shape (approximately 0.3 to 0.5 µm in diameter) that are normally observed in pairs or short chains and are non-sporulating (17). Like other gram-negative bacteria, the cell wall of V. parvula comprises of an outer membrane that consist of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) which serve as virulence factor in V. parvula (23). The peptidoglycan of V. parvula is made up of A1γ-type with glutamic acid in D configuration, diaminopimelic acid in meso configuration and covalently bound Putrescine or cadaverine to the alpha-carboxyl group of the D-glutamic acid residue (24). Plasmenylethanolamine and plasmenylserine are major constituents of cytoplasmic membrane of V. parvula that play an important role in the regulation of membrane fluidity (25).

Biofilm formation. Dental plaque is a multispecies biofilm in which its development requires the adherence of pioneer species to the salivary proteins and glycoproteins absorbance on tooth enamel (26). V. parvula is frequently found in dental plaque in which Veillonellae and streptococci are known to be the early colonizers of dental biofilm (27). Bacteria within multispecies biofilm interact with each other in many ways including using the metabolic end products of other species for growth, in which V. parvula metabolise lactic acid that is produced as a waste product by streptococci, into weaker acids (propionic acid and acetic acid) that are less acidic to solubilise enamel. The ability of V. parvula to utilise lactic acid that is produced by other bacteria makes V. parvula a central player in establishing multispecies oral biofilms (18,19,20). Like other Veillonella species, V. parvula is able to form intergenic co-aggregates with other bacteria that are in the same ecological niche (28). Thus, even though V. parvula cannot adhere to the surface itself, the bacterium is able to attach to specific surface structures present on other bacteria cells and this attachment is mediated by lectin-carbohydrate interactions (17). Study by Kara have shown that V. parvula are able to cause lactic acid concentration to remain constant over time in a dual-species biofilm making the dual-species biofilms to be more resistant to antimicrobial treatments than single –species biofilms (22).

Metabolic functions. Like other Veillonella species, V. parvula possess an unusual metabolism in which they use methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase to convert free energy derived from decarboxylation reactions into an electrochemical gradient of sodium ions (17). V. parvula is unable to ferment on sugars. They utilise metabolic end products of co-existing carbohydrate-fermenting bacteria such as lactic acid for its metabolism (17). V. parvula is well known for its ability to use lactic acid as a carbon and energy source for growth (29). Lactate metabolism of V. parvula involves a unique pathway in which a series of enzymatic reactions are used to convert lactate and oxaloacetate into pyruvate and succinate respectively. Pyruvate is then further converted into acetate and formate, whereas succinate is converted into propionate.


V. parvula is a strict anaerobic gram-negative bacterium that is predominantly found in the oral cavity, respiratory, gastrointestinal and genitourinary flora of humans and animal (1). In the oral cavity, it is most frequently found in dental plaque (17).

In the oral cavity, V. parvula is able to form biofilms with other bacteria with similar niches via its ability to form intergenic co-aggregates with other bacteria. Metabolic interactions have been suggested between S. mutans and V. parvula in multispecies biofilm, in which the presence of V. parvula leads to a higher resistance of S. mutans against antimicrobial treatments (22,30). V. parvula is highly associated with lactic-acid producing species such as streptococci and this is due to its reliance on lactate as a nutrient source (5).


V. parvula is rarely considered as pathogen as it is part of the normal flora of the oral, respiratory, gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts in humans. However, it have been reported as pathogen in periodontitis, periodontal abscess and various acute oral conditions (31,32). It is also one of the most common anaerobic pathogens in chronic maxillary sinusitis and deep neck infections (33,34). V. parvula is also frequently reported in osteomyelitis infections (13). In addition, V parvula is associated with severe childhood caries (16) and intraradicular infections (35,36).

V. parvula has also been implicated in rare cases of meningitis (7), endocarditis (14), discitis, abscessed orchiepididymitis with sepsis (38), prosthetic joint infection (37) and bacterimia (39). However, it is noted that more often V. parvula is involved in multispecies infections rather than being a sole pathogen of an infection (17).

Application to biotechnology

Bioengineering, biotechnologically relevant enzyme/compound production, drug targets,…

Current research

One of the current research on V. parvula focused on the ability to genetically transform V. parvula (40). The study used V. parvula strain PK1910 and obtained spontaneous mutations conferring streptomycin resistance which carry a K43N substitution in the RpsL protein. Using the mutated rpsL gene as a selection marker, the study examined the possibility of using electroporation to introduce DNA into V. parvula. The transformation was successful however the transformation efficiency is too low to be used routinely as a tool for generating mutations. As a further study, the research group are currently testing the possibility of using non-antibiotic selection amrkers or auxotrophic mutants as recipient strains for genetic transformation. In addition, they are also testing the potential of V. pavrula to be used as a shuttle vector.

Another recent discovery on V. parvula include the study on the effect of V. parvula on the antimicrobial resistance and gene expression of S. mutans grown in a dual-species biofilm (22). Previous studies have shown that S. mutans and V. parvula dual-species biofilms have different properties from single-species biofilms in which dual-species biofilms have a different acid production profile and a higher resistance to chlorhexidine. The current study aimed to test whether the susceptibility of S. mutans grown in the presence of V. pavrula is also decreased when it is exposed to various other antimicrobial. The results suggest that V. pavrula changes the physiology of S. mutans. This finding showed that the presence of another bacterium can change the phenotype of a pathogen and can increase its resistance to antimicrobial. This study show that the study of pathogens implicated poly-microbial diseases, such as caries and periodontists, should be focused more on multispecies biofilms.




3. Rogosa, M. (1964). THE GENUS VEILLONELLA I.: General Cultural, Ecological, and Biochemical Considerations. The Journal of Bacteriology. 87: 162.

4. Mashima, I., & Nakazawa, F. (2015). Interaction between Streptococcus spp. and Veillonella tobetsuensis in the Early Stages of Oral Biofilm Formation. Journal Of Bacteriolog. 197: 2104-2111.

5. Mashima, Izumi, Theodorea, Citra Fragrantia, Thaweboon, Boonyanit, Thaweboon, Sroisiri, & Nakazawa, Futoshi. (2016). Identification of veillonella species in the tongue biofilm by using a novel one-step polymerase chain reaction method. PLoS ONE. 11.

6. Marriott, D., Stark, D., & Harkness, J. (2007). Veillonella parvula Discitis and Secondary Bacteremia: A Rare Infection Complicating Endoscopy and Colonoscopy? Journal of Clinical Microbiology.45: 672.

7. Bhatti, M., & Frank. (2000). Veillonella parvula meningitis: Case report and review of Veillonella infections. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 31:839-840.


9. Rogosa, M., Fitzgerald, R. J., MacKintosh, M. Elizabeth, & Beaman, Alfred J. (1958). IMPROVED MEDIUM FOR SELECTIVE ISOLATION OF VEILLONELLA. The Journal of Bacteriology. 76:455.

10. Marchandin, Helene, Teyssier, Corinne, De Buochberg, Michele Simeon, Jean-Pierre, Helene, Carriere, Christian, & Jumas-Bilak, Estelle. (2003). Intra-chromosomal heterogeneity between the four 16S rRNA gene copies in the genus Veillionella: Implications of phylogeny and taxonomy.Microbiology. 149:1493-1501.

11. Sato, T., Matsuyama, J., Sato, M., & Hoshino, E. (1997). Differentiation of Veillonella atypica, Veillonella dispar and Veillonella parvula using restricted fragment‐length polymorphism analysis of 16S rDNA amplified by polymerase chain reaction. Oral Microbiology and Immunolog. 12: 350-353.

12. Greaves, W., & Kaiser, A. (1984). Endocarditis due to Veillonella alcalescens. Southern Medical Journal. 77:1211-2.

13. Osteomyelitis Due to Veillonella parvula: Case Report and Review. (1992). Clinical Infectious Diseases. 14:361-363.

14. Loughrey, & Chew. (1990). Endocarditis caused by Veillonella dispar. Journal of Infection. 21:319-321.

15. Pérez-Jacoiste Asín, M., Fernández-Ruiz, A., Serrano-Navarro, I., Prieto-Rodriguez, S., & Aguado, J. (2013). Polymicrobial endocarditis involving Veillonella parvula in an intravenous drug user: Case report and literature review of Veillonella endocarditis. Infection. 41: 591-594.

16. Kanasi, Dewhirst, Chalmers, Kent, Jr., Moore, Hughes, . . . Tanner. (2010). Clonal Analysis of the Microbiota of Severe Early Childhood Caries. Caries Research.44: 485-497.

17. Gronow, Welnitz, Lapidus, Nolan, Ivanova, Glavina Del Rio, . . . Lucas. (2010). Complete genome sequence of Veillonella parvula type strain (Te3T). Standards in Genomic Science. 2.

18. Periasamy, Saravanan, & Kolenbrander, Paul E. (2009). Aggregatibacter receptoactinomycetemcomitans Builds Mutualistic Biofilm Communities with Fusobacterium nucleatum and Veillonella Species in Saliva. Infection and Immunity.77: 3542.

19. Jakubovics, N., & Kolenbrander, P. (2010). The road to ruin: The formation of disease‐associated oral biofilms. Oral Diseases.16: 729-739.

20. Periasamy, Saravanan, & Kolenbrander, Paul E. (2010). Central Role of the Early Colonizer Veillonella sp. in Establishing Multispecies Biofilm Communities with Initial, Middle, and Late Colonizers of Enamel. The Journal of Bacteriology.192: 2965.

21. Gibbons, & Nygaard. (1970). Interbacterial aggregation of plaque bacteria. Archives of Oral Biology.15: 1397.

22. Kara, D., Luppens, S.B.I., Cate, ten, J.M., & Universiteit van Amsterdam. (2006). Differences between single- and dual-species biofilms of Streptococcus mutans and Veillonella parvula in growth, acidogenicity and susceptibility to chlorhexidine. European Journal of Oral Sciences.14:58-63.

23. Matera, G., Muto, V., Vinci, M., Zicca, E., Abdollahi-Roodsaz, S., Veerdonk, F.L. van de, . . . Joosten, L.A.B. (2009). Receptor recognition of and immune intracellular pathways for Veillonella parvula lipopolysaccharide. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology.16:1804-1809.

24. Kamio, Y, & Nakamura, K. (1987). Putrescine and cadaverine are constituents of peptidoglycan in Veillonella alcalescens and Veillonella parvula. The Journal of Bacteriology.169: 2881.

25. Olsen, I. (1997). Salient structural features in the chemical composition of oral anaerobes, with particular emphasis on plasmalogens and sphingolipids. Reviews In Medical Microbiology.8: S3-S6.

26. Chalmers, Natalia I., Palmer, Robert J., Jr., Cisar, John O., & Kolenbrander, Paul E. (2008). Characterization of a Streptococcus sp.-Veillonella sp. Community Micromanipulated from Dental Plaque. The Journal of Bacteriology.190: 8145.

27. Keijser, B., Van Der Vossen, E., Schuren, S., Montijn, J., Zaura, F., Ten Gate, R., . . . Huse. (2008). Pyrosequencinq analysis of the oral microflora of healthy adults. Journal of Dental Research. 87:1016-1020.

28. Hughes, C V, Kolenbrander, P E, Andersen, R N, & Moore, L V. (1988). Coaggregation properties of human oral Veillonella spp.: Relationship to colonization site and oral ecology.Applied and Environmental Microbiology.54: 1957.

29. Ng, Stephen K. C., & Hamilton, Ian R. (1971). Lactate Metabolism by Veillonella parvula. The Journal of Bacteriology.105: 999.

30. Pustelny, C., Komor, U., Pawar, V., Lorenz, A., Bielecka, A., Moter, A., . . . Häussler, S. (2015). Contribution of Veillonella parvula to Pseudomonas aeruginosa-mediated pathogenicity in a murine tumor model system. Infection and Immunity.83: 417-29.

31. Arif, N., Sheehy, E., Do, T., & Beighton, D. (2008). Diversity of Veillonella spp. from sound and carious sites in children.Journal of Dental Research.87: 278-282.

32. Hughes, C V, Kolenbrander, P E, Andersen, R N, & Moore, L V. (1988). Coaggregation properties of human oral Veillonella spp.: Relationship to colonization site and oral ecology. Applied and Environmental Microbiology.54:1957.

33. I. (1996). Veillonella infections in children. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.34: 1283.

34. Huang, Chung-Ming, Huang, Fang-Liang, Chien, Ya-Li, & Chen, Po-Yen. (2015). Deep neck infections in children. Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection, Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection.

35. Sundqvist, G. (1992). Associations between microbial species in dental root canal infections. Oral Microbiology and Immunology.7:257-262.

36. Wittgow, & Sabiston. (1975). Microorganisms from pulpal chambers of intact teeth with necrotic pulps. Journal of Endodontics.1: 168-171.

37. Marchandin, Jean-Pierre, Carrière, Canovas, Darbas, & Jumas-Bilak. (2001). Prosthetic Joint Infection due to Veillonella dispar. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 20: 340-342.

38. Arrosagaray, P M, Salas, C, Morales, M, Correas, M, Barros, J M, & Cordon, M L. (1987). Bilateral abscessed orchiepididymitis associated with sepsis caused by Veillonella parvula and Clostridium perfringens: Case report and review of the literature. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.25:1579.

39. Fisher, RG, & Denison, MR. (1996). Veillonella parvula bacteremia without an underlying source. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.34: 3235.

40. duLiu, J., Merritt, J., & Qi, F. (2011). Genetic transformation of Veillonella parvula. FEMS Microbiology Letters.322: 138-144.

  1. MICR3004

This page is written by <NURUL ASYIQIN ZULKIFLI> for the MICR3004 course, Semester 2, 2016