Mycobacterium bovis

From MicrobeWiki, the student-edited microbiology resource

A Microbial Biorealm page on the genus Mycobacterium bovis


Higher order taxa

Higher Order Taxa: Bacteria; Actinobacteria; Actinobacteridae; Actinomycetales; Corynebacterineae; Mycobacteriaceae; Mycobacterium; Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (1)


Mycobacterium bovis

NCBI: Taxonomy

Description and significance

“Mycobacterium bovis is the causative agent of tuberculosis in a range of animal species and man, with world wide annual losses to agriculture of $3 billion.”(2) M. bovis is the agent responsible for bovine tuberculosis, however it can also cause the disease in humans if there is consumption of infected materials.(1) Pasteurization of milk has been a major preventative factor in stopping transmission of bovine tuberculosis in humans; however in many underdeveloped countries, where pasteurization is not practiced, there is still a concern with infection by M. bovis.(1) M. bovis AF2122/97 is a fully virulent strain that was isolated from a diseased cow in 1997.(2)

Genome structure

M. bovis genome sequence is 4,345,492 base pairs in length, arranged in a single circular chromosomes.(2) The genome contains 3,952 genes encoding proteins.(2) The genome is >99.52% identical at the nucleotide level to Mycobacterium tuberculosis.(2) Comparative sequencing with M. tuberculosis revealed 11 deletions from the genome of M. bovis, ranging in size from 1-12.7 kb, and have been confirmed by the genome sequence data.(2) M. bovis contains one unique locus termed TbD1, which is absent from the M. tuberculosis strain; therefore, it would seem that deletion has been the mechanism in shaping the M. bovis genome.(2)

Cell structure and metabolism

Describe any interesting features and/or cell structures; how it gains energy; what important molecules it produces.


Describe any interactions with other organisms (included eukaryotes), contributions to the environment, effect on environment, etc.


How does this organism cause disease? Human, animal, plant hosts? Virulence factors, as well as patient symptoms.

Application to Biotechnology

Does this organism produce any useful compounds or enzymes? What are they and how are they used?

Current Research

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Glockner, F. O., M. Kube, M. Bauer, H. Teeling, T. Lombardot, W. Ludwig, D. Gade, A. Beck, K Borzym, K Heitmann, R. Rabus, H. Schlesner, R. Amann, and R. Reinhardt. 2003. "Complete genome sequence of the marine planctomycete Pirellula sp. strain 1." Proceedings of the National Acedemy of Sciences, vol. 100, no. 14. (8298-8303)

Edited by Steven Lada, student of Rachel Larsen and Kit Pogliano