Borrelia garinii

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A Microbial Biorealm page on the genus Borrelia garinii


Higher order taxa

Bacteria; Spirochaetes; Spirochaetes (class); Spirochaetales; Spirochaetaceae; Borrelia; Borrelia burgdorferi group


Borrelia garinii

Description and significance

Borrelia garinii is a type of spirochete. Spirochetes are normally thin, approximately 0.1-0.5 micrometers by 5.0-20.0 micrometers. The Borrelia garinii are generally characterized to have a spiral shape, to be motile, non-capsulated, and non-sporing. The Borrelia species can be anaerobic or microaerophilic. There are three types of Borrelia that can cause lyme disease. Borrelia burgoderferi, Borrelia afzelii, and Borrelia garinii. It is important to have the genome sequenced to determine proper medication to destroy Borrelia garinni' to prevent Lyme disease.

Genome structure

Borrelia species generally contain 930+/- 20 kbp. Borrelia garinii has one linear chromosome and codes for 869 genes. It also contains linear and circular plasmids. There are approximately 5 to 200 kbp of linear plasmids and circular plasmids within the genome. This range is seen in not only Borrelia garinii, but all Borrelia species. (Saier)

Cell structure and metabolism

Like all the other spirochetes causing lyme disease, Borrelia garinii has a protoplasm protected by an inner and outer membrane. It also has flagella which are located between the inner and outer membrane. The outer membrane proteins have many genes that are located on plasmids. This is very beneficial to the organism because it can make changes in those proteins; therefore, preventing foreign molecules in that could possibly be quite harmful. (Schaechter)


Describe any interactions with other organisms (included eukaryotes), contributions to the environment, effect on environment, etc.


How does this organism cause disease? Human, animal, plant hosts? Virulence factors, as well as patient symptoms.

Application to Biotechnology

Does this organism produce any useful compounds or enzymes? What are they and how are they used?

Current Research

Enter summaries of the most recent research here--at least three required


1. Ed. Saier, Milton H., and Jorge Garcia-Lara. The Spriochetes: Molecular and Cellular Biology. United Kingdom: Norfolk, 2001

2. Schaechter, Moselia, N. Cary Engleberg, Berry I. Eisenstein, Gerald Medoff. Mechanisms of Microbial Disease: third ed.. 1998


4. Baranton, G., Postic, D., Saint Girons, I., Boerlin, P., Piffaretti, J.C., Assous, M., and Grimont, P.A. "Delineation of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto, Borrelia garinii sp. nov., and group VS461 associated with Lyme borreliosis." Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. (1992) 42:378-383.

5. db=genome&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=Overview&list_uids=495

Edited by Kimberly Tong, student of Rachel Larsen and Kit Pogliano