Leishmania donovani

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Leishmania donovani is a parasite that infects mainly the human phagocyte system. The infection is transmitted to humans through sandflies, and is responsible for multiple forms of leishmaniasis or kala-azar in extreme cases. Its life cycle contains both a flagellated promastigote stage where it lives in the digestive system of sandflies, and an unflagellated amastigote stage that exists within the human host. The promastigote stage is injected into the bloodstream by a sandfly, and must be phagocytosed by a macrophage to begin the process of infection and cannot directly penetrate the cell. Once inside a cell, promastigotes transform into their amastigote stage and begin to multiply and eventually lyse the cell. When a new sandfly takes a blood meal from the host, it takes up amastigotes from the bloodstream, which transform into promastigotes in the sandfly's digestive tract to restart the process.
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Leishmania donovani promastigotes grown in culture, usually present in the digestive tract of sandflies. Image provided by the CDC.[1].

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Edited by Iris Pardue, student of Joan Slonczewski for BIOL 116 Information in Living Systems, 2021, Kenyon College.