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The History of Syphilis, Treatment, and Health Disparities

Introduction: Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection spread by the bacteria treponema pallidum. Syphilis has a history of racism and disproportionately affects people of color.

Phylum: Spirochaets Order: Spirochaetales Family: Spirochaetaceae “There are at least three more known species causing human treponemal diseases such as Treponema pertenue that causes yaws, Treponema carateum causing pinta and Treponema pallidum endemicum-responsible for bejel or endemic syphilis.” Syphilis is the only STI; the other illnesses listed spread through direct contact.

Treponema Pallidum genome and description:

There are the three stages of syphilis:

Primary syphilis: begins with a chancre– the site of the infection. It is small (about a center in diameter), hard and painless. After a few weeks it will scar over and the patient will enter the latent stage.

Secondary syphilis: defined by a rash, which greatly resembles the rashes of other illnesses (giving syphilis its nickname as the “great imitator.”)

Tertiary syphilis: associated with cardiovascular and neurological symptoms– called neurosyphilis. In some cases the patient will die.

Latent period: In this stage of infection the patient is not contagious. A patient with primary or secondary syphilis can enter this stage.