Volvox africanus

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Eukarya, Chlorophyta, Chlorophyceae, Chlamydomonadales, Volvocaceae


Volvox africanus

Description and Significance:

Volvox africanus are photosynthetic, multicellular eukaryotic microbes that live in clusters. A part of a freshwater, green algae genus. Volvox species exist as cell colonies within their own little bubble. They contain up to 6,000 cells within a gelatinous barrier. Large clusters can barely be spotted with the naked eye

Genome Structure:

This species has a haploid genome, with 141 mb. The genome contains 101 genes coding for 37,566 proteins.

Cell Structure, Metabolism, and Life Cycle:

Ecology and Pathogenesis:

Live in freshwaters sources, typically found in South Africa and other southern african countries. Volvox species are non-pathogenic.


This page is author by Hayden Hull, student of Professor Bradley Tolar at UNC Wilmington.

Pages edited by students of Bradley Tolar at UNC Wilmington