Methanosaeta thermophila

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Revision as of 15:32, 5 June 2007 by Bpearce (talk | contribs)

Methanosaeta thermophila

● ~Classification~

Organism Name: Methanosaeta thermophila PT Domain: Archaea Phylum: Euryarchaeota Class: Methanomicrobia Order: Methanosarcinales Family: Methanosaetaceae Genus: Methanosaeta Species: Methanothrix thermophila Genus Species Strain: Methanosaeta thermophila PT Name History: Synonyms: Methanothrix thermophila PT

                         Methanothrix thermophila DSM 6194 
               Equivalent names: Methanosaeta thermophila strain PT
                                 Methanosaeta thermophila str. PT