Higher order taxa:
Introduction of Yogurt Niche
Description of Niche
Location of Microbes
Physical Conditions of Microbes
Other Niches Affecting Microbes in Yogurt
Influence by Adjacent Communities
The yogurt niche and its environment overlap its similarity between some of the other dairy niches, specifically being the milk niche which is the root of all dairy niches. The making of yogurt is first through the transition of the milk niche. Firstly, yogurt is made from fermented milk. Milk is rich in sugars, more specifically the sugar being lactose. An environment rich in sugars is an environment that microbes love to thrive in; thus, milk is a great feast for microbes. The following are a list of microbes that thrive in milk. Of all the microbes that live in milk, the Bacillus family and the Streptococcus family is the one that overlaps into the yogurt niche. However, there are only two particular microbes that feast in yogurt which are Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. So, as we can see there is a similarity between the microbes that thrive in milk to the ones that thrive in yogurt.
Related Microbes in Adjacent Communities
1. Streptococcus lactis
Purpose: Souring Method: Lactose-lactic acid precipitation
2. Streptococcus bulgaricus
Purpose: Souring Method: Lactose-lactic acid precipitation
3. Lactobacillus casei
Purpose: Cheese ripening Method: Controls altermentation.
4. E coil
Purpose: Souring & gassiness Method: Lactic acid & gases and affects cheese ripening.
5. Bacillus substallis
Purpose: Protecolysis Method: flavors change.
6. Alkaligenes viscus
Purpose: Ropiness Method: Ropi milk
7. S Streptococcus liquifiecence
Purpose: Bitter Flavour Method:Bitter flavour to cream &butter.
8. Bacillus substallis
Purpose: Sweet curdling Method: Curd formation
9. Streptococcus paracitrovorus
Purpose: Attacks citric acid Method: Flavors curd.
Conditions under which the environment changes
Microbes Specific to Yogurt
Which microbes are present?
Are there any other non-microbes present?
Do the microbes that are present interact with each other?
Microbe Metabolism
Current Research
Edited by [Chung Abbott, Ibukun Osindele, Anusha Sridharan, Jerry Wang], students of Rachel Larsen