Trichomonas vaginalis
A Microbial Biorealm page on the genus Trichomonas vaginalis
Higher order taxa
Eukaryota; Parabasalidea;Trichomonada;Trichomonadida;Trichomonadidae; NCBI
NCBI: Taxonomy |
Trichomonas vaginalis
Description and significance
Describe the appearance, habitat, etc. of the organism, and why you think it is important.
Genome structure
The T. vaginalis genome is the first parabasalid genome to be described. Its genome is about 160 megabases in size with at least 65% of repeats and transposable elements. A core set of ~60,000 protein-coding genes were identified, which means T. vaginalis has one of the highest coding capacities among eukaryotes. Introns were found in 65 genes, transfer RNAs were found for all twenty amino acids, and about 250 ribosomal DNA were identified in this genome. There are six chromosomes in T. vaginalis. An interesting discovery was that the transcription machinery of this eukaryote appeared more metazoan than protozoan. The genome also showed there are 152 cases of possible prokaryote-to-eukaryote lateral gene transfer. The genome helped with the discovery of unknown metabolic pathways, clarification of pathogenic mechanisms, and identification of unknown functions of organelles in T. vaginalis which is discussed in the other sections.
Cell structure and metabolism
Interesting features of cell structure; how it gains energy; what important molecules it produces.
Habitat; symbiosis; contributions to the environment.
How does this organism cause disease? Human, animal, plant hosts? Virulence factors, as well as patient symptoms.
Current Research
Enter summarries of the most rescent research here--at least three required
1. Carlton, J.M., Hirt, R.P., Silva, J.C., Delcher, A.L., Schatz, M., Zhao, Q., Wortman, J.R., Bidwell, S.L., Alsmark, C.M., and Besteiro, S. 2007. Draft genome sequence of the sexually transmitted pathogen Trichomonas vaginalis. Science, v. 315, p. 207-211.
2. Hirt, R.P., Noel, C.J., Sicheritz-Ponten, T., Tachezy, J., and Fion, P-L. 2007. Trichomonas vaginalis surface proteins: a view from the genome. Trends in Parasitology, v. 23, p. 540-547.
3. Ofer, K., Gold, D., and Flescher, E. 2008. Methyl jasmonate induces cell cycle block and cell death in the amitochondriate parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. International Journal for Parasitology, v. 38, p. 959-968.
4. Pereira-Neves, A. and Benchimol, M. 2008. Trichomonas vaginalis: In vitro survival in swimming pool water samples. Experimental Parasitology, v. 118, p. 438-441.
5. Petrin, D., Delgaty, K., Bhatt, R., and Garber, G. 1998. Clinical and microbiological aspects of Trichomonas vaginalis. Clinical Microbiology Review, v. 11, p. 300-317.
6. Schirm, J., Bos, P.A.J., Roozeboom-Roelfsema, I.K., Luijt, D.S., and Möller, L.V. 2007. Trichomonas vaginalis detection using real-time TaqMan PCR. Journal of Microbiological Methods, v. 68, p. 243-247.
7. Soper, D. 2004. Trichomoniasis: Under control or undercontrolled? American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, v. 190, p. 281-290.
8. White, M.J., Sadalla, J.K., Springer, S.R., and Counselman, F.L. 2005. Is the presence of Trichomonas vaginalis a reliable predictor of coinfection with Chlamydia trachomatis and/or Neisseria gonorrhoeae in female ED patients? American Journal of Emergency Medicine, v. 23, p. 127-130.
Edited by student of Emily Lilly at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.