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Higher order taxa
Archaea; Crenarchaeota; Thermoprotei; Desulfurococcales; Pyrodictiaceae
Hyperthermus butylicus
Description and significance
Hypperthermus is a hyperthermophilic, sulfur reducing archaeon that grows between 95 and 106°C and at pH of 7.0.
Genome structure
The genome of Hyperthermus is currently being sequenced by the group from the University of Copenhagen. The G + C content of the DNA is around 55%.
Cell structure and metabolism
The strains of Hyperthermus butylicus were isolated from the sea floor of a hot, solfataric babitat on the coast of São Miguel Island in Azores, Portugal. With its ability to live at the temperature of 106°C, it is one of the most thermophilic archaea isolated so far. Also, interestingly, despite its being found in a marine environment,