Mycoplasma incognitus

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A Microbial Biorealm page on the genus Mycoplasma incognitus


Higher order taxa

Bacteria; Tenericutes; Mollicutes; Mycoplasmatales; Mycoplasmataceae; Mycoplasma


M. incognitus

Description and significance

Mycoplasma incognitus is a human cell invasive mycoplasma associated with several human diseases including AIDS and Rheumatoid Arthritis. M. incognitus is an immunomodulatory agent, which means it can alter the immune response by reducing the ability of the immune system to produce antibodies. This mycoplasma is highly pathogenic and can be passed from person to person via bodily fluids.

Genome structure

Mycoplasma incognitus acts as a parasite and gains most of its nutrients from its host. Due to this parasitic mode of life, M. incognitus has a very small genome consisting of only the genes essential for life. Evolution and adaptation has allowed this microbe to lose the genes necessary for many assimilative processes.

Cell and Colony Structure


