Cladosporium sphaerospermum

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Contents 1. Classification 2. Introduction 3. Genome structure 4. Cell structure. 5. Metabolism a. Melanin metabolism b. Degradation of volatile organic compounds. c. Gibberellins production d. Use of ionizing radiation 6. Ecology 7. Pathology 8. Unanswered questions 9. References

1. Classification

Full lineage of C. sphaerospermum : cellular organisms; Eukaryota; Opisthokonta; Fungi; Dikarya; Ascomycota; saccharomyceta; Pezizomycotina; leotiomyceta; dothideomyceta; Dothideomycetes; Dothideomycetidae; Capnodiales; Cladosporiaceae; Cladosporium; Cladosporium Sphaerospermum (1).

2. Introduction

Cladosporium Sphaerospermum is a cosmopolitan saprobic fungus that inhabits a variety of environments. Predominantly airborne, it is found in indoor and outdoor air and sampled from not only dwelling and plants but humans also (2). As a halotolerant microorganism, C. sphaerospermum thrives in areas of high salinity. It can also proliferate in the areas of moderate and low salinity (3). Phylogenetic analysis of RNA suggests that C. sphaerospermum is a complex fungal species encompassing a number of different strains. Recent studies show that C. sphaerospermum, an infectious and allergenic anthropologic fungus (4), can survive and thrive in the areas of high radioactivity and can reduce levels of radiation (5). Moreover, industrial off-gas emissions, namely aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones and some organic acids can also be degraded by C. sphaerospermum (6), rendering the fungus a potential model to study natural biofiltration mechanisms. In addition, C. sphaerospermum can possibly become a substitute for chemical fertilizers due to its ability to produce gibberellins (7), plant growth hormones that are essential for plant growth and development (8).

3. Genome structure

Although a number of strains of C. sphaerospermum have been discovered, only one has been sequenced. C. sphaerospermum UM843 was isolated from human blood culture and the genome was sequenced in 2012. It is in the vicinity of 31.92Mb (9). The genome consists of a total of 10,020 genes, with approximately 94% encoding for proteins of longer than 100 amino acids. The exon frequency in the proposed model was 2.26 exons per gene (10). Among the genes detected in the gnome were the once associated with human allergens, the genes for asenolase, aldehyde dehydrogenase, and mannitol dehydrogenase. Some of the genes found in the genome of C. sphaerospermum are linked to the resistance to the antifungal drugs fluconazole, quinidine, and fluorocytosine. The genome also includes sequences encoding for the key enzymes in the melanin biosynthesis pathway (11).

4. Cell structure

Thick-walled flagellate cells of this fungus form a dikaryon in which, after cytoplasmic fusion of two cells (plasmogamy), the two nuclei cohabit without fusion. Dikaryotic cells are most common for the ascogenous hyphae and the ascocarp of the fungus rendering the rest of the mycelia monokaryotic. The spores of C. sphaerospermum have different shapes and are released through an apical pore (12). Under magnification, the fungus appears to form tree-like structures principally assembled by branching chains of dark round conidia. Although conidia are 3-4.5 μm in diameter and often single-celled, they frequently form chains by budding, leaving the youngest cell at the tip of the chain (13). The older conidia might become oblong or shield-shaped and reach 15 μm in length. Upon budding, C. sphaerospermum conidia often undergo septation and thus might have numerous constriction scars. At 30°C, Cladosporium sphaerospermum forms 1.0 cm in diameter powdered dark grey/green colored colonies that look like domes (14).

5. Metabolic processes

Describe important sources of energy, electrons, and carbon (i.e. trophy) for the organism/organisms you are focusing on, as well as important molecules it/they synthesize(s).

6. Ecology

Habitat; symbiosis; contributions to the environment.

7. Pathology

How does this organism cause disease? Human, animal, plant hosts? Virulence factors, as well as patient symptoms.

7. Key microorganisms

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8. Current Research

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9. References

It is required that you add at least five primary research articles (in same format as the sample reference below) that corresponds to the info that you added to this page. [Sample reference] Faller, A., and Schleifer, K. "Modified Oxidase and Benzidine Tests for Separation of Staphylococci from Micrococci". Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 1981. Volume 13. p. 1031-1035.