Uploads by Al201

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
05:37, 12 December 2012 Lake Magadi.jpeg (file) 134 KB FIGURE 3. Lake Magadi 1
05:49, 12 December 2012 Afermentumnutrients.png (file) 23 KB FIGURE 1. Energy sources utilized by A. fermentum under anaerobic and aerobic conditions. 1
05:52, 12 December 2012 AfermentumNADH.png (file) 20 KB FIGURE 2. NADH re-oxidation by A. fermentum under anaerobic and aerobic 1
05:59, 12 December 2012 Afermentumnutrients2.png (file) 22 KB FIGURE 1. Energy sources utilized by A. fermentum under anaerobic and aerobic conditions. 1