
From MicrobeWiki, the student-edited microbiology resource

Comment 1

I found your page on snottites particularly interesting, especially the part regarding the structural formation of the snottites as a result of their oxidation process. I find it intriguing that the gypsum is able to coat the walls and ceilings of the caves in layers that are so deep and thick. I was also curious to see the SEM images of some of the species involved. It seems that maybe some of the structure of these biofilms is not as organized as some of the other biofilm structures we have seen, which is interesting. Where in the United States can snottites be found? I have learned a lot about these interesting structures from your paper, and I think you did a very good job of organizing the information.

Kim Miller's comments:
- this is an amazing page. Good job! It is really well written and organized.
- I've always wanted to know more about snotties (ever since I saw Planet Earth), so I think this topic is really interesting.
- I thought that including the SEM images of the microbes was a great idea. I think the pictures are really interesting.
- I didn't notice any typos or things to change, again your page is fantastic.