Template:Genus Hahn

From MicrobeWiki, the student-edited microbiology resource
Revision as of 04:00, 19 August 2013 by Ahahn (talk | contribs)

This is the template page for students in the Bemidji State University BIOL 3710 Microbiology course.


    1 Introduction

2 Section 1

3 Section 2

4 Section 3 5 Conclusion 6 References Introduction

At right is a sample image insertion. It works for any image uploaded anywhere to MicrobeWiki.

(Note: If you are uploading an image to MicrobeWiki, make sure you are not infringing upon any copyrights)

To upload an image to MicrobeWiki:

The insertion code used to include the photo on the right (which has already been uploaded on a separate page to MicrobeWiki):

File:BayBridge.jpg|thumb|300px|right|The San Francisco Bay Bridge as seen from Treasure Island. (Photo credit: A.T.Hahn, 2012) with [[ ]] (aka double brackets) surrounding it.

The San Francisco Bay Bridge as seen from Treasure Island. (Photo credit: A.T.Hahn, 2012)