Uploads by Jenn.wibowo

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
10:03, 15 December 2012 Genome Mcuprina.png (file) 110 KB Genome of Metallosphaera cuprina from [http://www.p2tf.org/page.php?base=Metc4DB&PHPSESSID=4c17464cff49fcf1aa9065eb6104f2a5]. 1
09:46, 15 December 2012 Phylogenetic tree-Mcuprina.png (file) 7 KB Created phylogenetic tree of Metallosphaera cuprina using Phylogeny.fr [http://www.phylogeny.fr] and the following NCBI (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/protein/) sequences: ABP94235.1, YP_004408652.1, BAB65446.1, Q97WJ0.2. Phylogeny.fr citations: Dereepe... 2