Uploads by Mhsu23

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
16:33, 13 May 2015 Anammox.jpg (file) 227 KB Transmission electron micrographs of “Candidatus Scalindua sp.” enriched in the MBR, showing the cells which were about to be divided. 1
16:32, 13 May 2015 Candidatus Scalindua sp.jpg (file) 227 KB Transmission electron micrographs of “Candidatus Scalindua sp.” enriched in the MBR, showing the cells which were about to be divided. 1
16:31, 13 May 2015 Candidatus Scalindua.jpg (file) 227 KB Transmission electron micrographs of “Candidatus Scalindua sp.” enriched in the MBR, showing the cells which were about to be divided. 1
16:22, 13 May 2015 Alcanivorax bork.jpg (file) 227 KB Reverted to version as of 16:12, 13 May 2015 4