Molluscum contagiosum virus

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Image of bumps on skin caused by molluscum contagiosum virus.

Molluscum contagiosum virus is poxvirus. Similar to the smallpox (variola) virus, molluscum contagiosum is a skin disease that is exclusive to humans. The virus itself is 100 by 200 by 300 nm in size (Birthistle et al., 1997). The first description of this virus were made in 1814. This first written account noted the features of the virus that were distinct from neurofibromatosis, a disease which causes tumors in nervous tissue (Birthistle et al., 1997).


Histology and electron microscopy of molluscum contagiosum

In individuals with healthy immune systems, the skin disease caused by molluscum contagiosum infection is usually benign, not severe, and self-limiting (Chen, 2013). The disease itself is characterized by skin pustules, called Mollusca, that have been found to appear on all parts of the body including the face, abdomen, legs, neck, arms, and genital region. However, they are rarely found on the palms of the hands or soles of the feet. The lesions can either be found in clusters or can be on their own(CDC, “Molluscum contagiosum,” 2015). A typical patient infected with molluscum contagiosum will usually have no more than 20 pustules but in some patients, more than 100 lesions have been found (Chen et al., 2013).

The Mollusca bumps themselves usually present similarly. They are small raised bumps, ranging from two to five millimeters in size and can be white or pink in color. At the center of the bumps there is usually a depression or dimple. They have been described to have a “pearly” appearance. The Mollusca are not typically painful but they can occasionally be itchy, sore, red or swollen (CDC, “Molluscum contagiosum,” 2015). In order to diagnose molluscum contagiosum, doctors will typically just look for the pustules characteristic of the infection. Using a dermascope, however, a dermascope can aid in diagnosis by highlighting vessels and lesional orifices that are characteristic of the pustules. A dermatoscope can be used to examine other vascular features typical of molluscum contagiosum infection as well such as the crown, punctiform, and radial patterns (Chen et al., 2013). Histopathology also helps uncover characteristic qualities of a Mollusca. For example, these lesions will have a single punctum, a small and distinct point. They will also have an increased rate of reproduction of its cells, which is known as epidermal hyperplasia. Within this increased cell proliferation lie the molluscum bodies. These bodies develop below the surface of the skin. By the time they rise to the top, they are at their largest. Histologically, the characteristics of the molluscum contagiosum infection have been compared to keratoacanthoma. Both skin diseases involve increased cell proliferation, epidermal shouldering at the periphery of the lesion, and a central dimple (Sharquie et al., 2015).

The two ways that the virus can spread is from person-to-person contact or through contact with fomites. Person-to-person contact involves infected skin touching healthy skin, thus spreading the infection. This also means that the infection can auto-inoculate if the infected person touches infected skin to uninfected skin. Often, this happens through touching or scratching lesions and then touching another part of the body. Mollsucum contagiosum is often considered a child’s disease. However it does appear in adults where one of the most common ways to spread this infection to others is through sexual contact. It has not been clarified as to whether the disease can spread when the Mollusca are intact or if the lesion must be broken in order for transmission to occur. The other method of transmission is through fomites. Fomites are objects like clothes, towels, bathing sponges, pool equipment, or toys that can carry the virus and spread it. This demonstrates that the virus does not need a human host to survive. Additionally, it is important to emphasize that the virus is localized to the top layers of skin and thus do not get into the bloodstream or to other internal parts of the body. Therefore, it is not possible to transmit the infection through coughing or sneezing (CDC, “Transmission,” 2015).

As stated previously, children are the most commonly infected group. More specifically, those between the ages of 1 and 10 are the most commonly infected. Transmission of the infection for children is typically through general contact and through contact with molluscum contagiosum-infected fomites. With adults, the infection is often spread through sexual contact. There are several risk factors that increase the likelihood of contracting the infection. Molluscum contagiosum is an opportunistic infection. Thus, immunocompromised individuals, such as those with HIV, are very susceptible. Additionally, the symptoms of infection can be worse for these individuals. The lesions can be larger and more difficult to treat. Another risk factor is atopic dermatitis, which is a condition that presents as a rash and can cause breaks in the skin. Because of these skin breaks, it is easier for the infection to spread to other parts of the body. Another suggested risk factor is living in a warm, humid climate or places that are crowded. However this has not been definitively proven. On the whole, documented cases of molluscum contagiosum seem to have been on the rise since 1996. However, this is difficult to confirm because the infection can resolve itself and is infrequently monitored (CDC, “Risk Factors,” 2015).

While treatment is not always necessary for molluscum contagiosum infection, as it can often resolve itself, it is sometimes recommended in circumstances such as infection of the genital region. There are three overall categories of treatment – physical removal, oral therapy, and topical therapy. Physical removal can involve the use of liquid nitrogen to freeze off the lesion (a technique known as cryotherapy), piercing the pustule and extracting the inner “cheesy” substance (curettage), or laser therapy (CDC, “Treatment,” 2015). Though these techniques do effectively remove the pustules, the disadvantages are pain, inconvenience, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, and scarring (Chen et al., 2013). Oral therapy is a less immediate form of pustule removal. Oral therapy is often recommended for younger children as it avoids a more painful and frightening procedure. One of the most common oral therapies is cimetidine. Cimetidine is a safe, painless, and well tolerated drug. One downside, however, is that this drug is not as effective in resolving facial lesions as it is on other parts of the body (CDC, “Clinical Information,” 2015). The third treatment option is topical therapies. One possible topical therapy is podophyllotoxin cream (0.5%) which can be directly applied to the pustules. However, it is not recommended for pregnant women as it is presumed to be toxic to fetuses. Other options include salicylic acid, potassium hydroxide, tretinoin, cantharidin, and imiquimod. Typical side effects of topical treatments include blistering, erythema, pruritus, stinging, mild dermatitis, and dyspigmentation (Chen et al., 2013). Of these topical treatments, cantharidin is among the most effective and well-tolerated. It works as a phosphodiesterase inhibitor. It does often result in a small blister on the skin but because the blister is so superficial, it rarely leaves a scar. It is thought that cantharidin initiates an immune response at the site of the pustule which leads to resolution (Moye et al., 2013). While the immune system can often resolve the pustules, another method of self resolution is physical damage or trauma. The pustules are very susceptible to physical damage which typically means scratching or picking. However, this can also result in further auto-inoculation (Birthistle et al., 1997).

There are no molluscum contagiosum infection-specific drugs. This is due to the fact that the virus does not replicate well in cell culture. Guan et al. (2014), however, identified a potential drug target in the virus called mD4. In vitro, mD4 is important polymerization during DNA synthesis. The researchers of this study found a small compound that bound to mD4 that inhibited processive DNA synthesis in vitro. They then used the vaccina virus, which is very similar genetically to the molluscum contagiosum virus, to make a hybrid vaccinia virus, mD4-VV. Instead of the vaccina D4 gene, this hybrid virus had a gene that targeted mD4, and thus needed this compound to grow in culture. These findings could help both uncover a way to grow the molluscum contagiosum virus in culture and then potentially develop a virus-specific treatment or therapeutic drug (Guan et al., 2014).

There are a variety of preventative measures that can reduce the risk of spreading molluscum contagiosum infection. Most of them involve hygienic practices such as hand washing, avoiding touching lesions, covering lesions, not sharing clothes, towels or any other potential fomites, and not swimming (CDC, “Prevention,” 2015).

The apparent presentation of molluscum contagiosum could also be the similar presentation of symptoms from other diseases. For this reason, it is important to consider the possibility of cryptococcosis, basal cell carcinoma, keratoacanthoma, histoplasmosis, coccidiomycosis, and verruca vulgaris when attempting to diagnose molluscum contagiosum. Additionally, if pustules are found in the genital area, diagnosis with condyloma acuminata and vaginal syringomas should also be considered possibilities (CDC, “Clinical Information,” 2015).

Characterization and Classification

Include some current research in each topic, with at least one figure showing data.

Lifecycle of molluscum contagiosum and local immune responses in infected skin.

Defense against apoptosis

Include some current research in each topic, with at least one figure showing data.

Molluscum contagiosum virus and HIV

Overall paper length should be 3,000 words, with at least 3 figures.


[Sample reference] Takai, K., Sugai, A., Itoh, T., and Horikoshi, K. "Palaeococcus ferrophilus gen. nov., sp. nov., a barophilic, hyperthermophilic archaeon from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent chimney". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2000. Volume 50. p. 489-500.

Senkevich, T.G., Koonin, E.V., Bugert, J.J., Darai, G., and Moss, B. "The genome of molluscum contagiosum virus: Analysis and comparison with other poxviruses." Virology. 1997. Volume 233(1). p. 19-42.

Edited by student of Joan Slonczewski for BIOL 238 Microbiology, 2009, Kenyon College.