Talk:The Burden of C. difficile and its Link to Nosocomial Infections

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Christy, this is a very interesting and exciting topic. Your writing is very well formulated; I didn't notice any typos or awkward sentences. The amount and good use of references is also fantastic and reflects good research skills.I think your figures, especially figures two three are very well chosen and informative. The organization is also great; it informs the reader without overwhelming them with information. The amount and placement of headings also makes finding particular information easy. However, and this is very picky, the formation in the "Clostridium difficile as a leading cause" does not match the rest of the paper. Also, the title should specify what it is a leading cause of. These are all little thing, though. Great job! -Maurer

This paper is a very well-written and thorough overview of C. difficile and nosocomial infections. Since I also wrote my paper on C. difficile, I noticed a few minor points you may want to include to flush out your paper. You mention ways in which different strains have been identified in the lab. Why are researchers working to identify different strains? Which strains are implicated in current outbreaks of C. diff infections? What makes those strains particularly virulent? I also think the link between antibiotic use in hospitals and C. difficile infections is important and interesting. It poses a difficult question, especially when considering that antibiotic use both makes patients susceptible to C. diff infection and cures them of it. This also relates to preventative methods taken by hospitals. By limiting antibiotic use, some hospitals have been effective in curtailing infection. Fecal bacteriotherapy of Fecal microbial transplant (FMT) is a really interesting treatment of C. difficile infection that you might include in your paper! In all, I really enjoyed reading this paper and thought you did a great job covering this relevant topic! - Rebecca