Molluscum contagiosum virus

From MicrobeWiki, the student-edited microbiology resource


Image of bumps on skin caused by molluscum contagiosum virus.

At right is a sample image insertion. It works for any image uploaded anywhere to MicrobeWiki. The insertion code consists of:
Double brackets: [[
Filename: PHIL_1181_lores.jpg
Thumbnail status: |thumb|
Pixel size: |300px|
Placement on page: |right|
Legend/credit: Electron micrograph of the Ebola Zaire virus. This was the first photo ever taken of the virus, on 10/13/1976. By Dr. F.A. Murphy, now at U.C. Davis, then at the CDC.
Closed double brackets: ]]

Other examples:
Subscript: H2O
Superscript: Fe3+


Include some current research in each topic, with at least one figure showing data.

Characterization and Classification

Include some current research in each topic, with at least one figure showing data.

Defense against apoptosis

Include some current research in each topic, with at least one figure showing data.


Overall paper length should be 3,000 words, with at least 3 figures.


[Sample reference] Takai, K., Sugai, A., Itoh, T., and Horikoshi, K. "Palaeococcus ferrophilus gen. nov., sp. nov., a barophilic, hyperthermophilic archaeon from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent chimney". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2000. Volume 50. p. 489-500.

Senkevich, T.G., Koonin, E.V., Bugert, J.J., Darai, G., and Moss, B. "The genome of molluscum contagiosum virus: Analysis and comparison with other poxviruses." Virology. 1997. Volume 233(1). p. 19-42.

Edited by student of Joan Slonczewski for BIOL 238 Microbiology, 2009, Kenyon College.