Nostoc azollae

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Light micrograph of nostoc azollae strain 0708. Image from JGI Genome Portal


Domain: Bacteria
Phylum: Cyanobacteria
Class: Cyanophyceae
Order: Nostocales
Family: Nostocaceae
Genus: Nostoc


NCBI: Taxonomy

Nostoc azollae

Description and Significance

Nostoc azollae, from the genus "Nostoc", is a cyanobacteria (1), meaning it is a phototrophic organism that creates its own energy through photosynthesis. The microbe grows as unbranched filaments and differentiates itself into three seperate types of cells. Heterocysts, which differentiate in response to nitrogen deficiencies, and act as sites of fixation for the environment. These make up anywhere from 3-10% of the microbe's cells. N. azollae is also capable of creating two other kinds of cells, hormongia, consisting of short filaments, and spore-like akinetes to make up for any limitations in the environment (2).

The significance of the microbe is found within its symbiosis with Azolla filiculoides, a type of plant native to warm tropical regions all across the globe (3). The fern possesses numerous small cavities all along its surface that house N. azollae and allow for the transfer of nutrients between the two symbionts (4).

Figure 1: Map of the main chromosome and plasmids of N. Azollae (9)

Genome Structure

Sequence and Size:
Only a few strains of N. Azollae have been sequences, chiefly Nostoc Azollae 708 (Figure 1), which had a genome size of 5.84 megabytes (8). N. Azollae possessed a small G+C content of only 38.3%, and carried with it 4 rRNA clusters alongside 44 tRNA species, making up the full set of amino acids. Notable within the gene is that intact genes, as opposed to pseudogenes, compose 52% of the genome, which is the lowest of any cyanobacteria sequenced thus far, owing partly to the massive amount of pseudogenes that comprise the rest of the genome. In addition, N. Azollae has the some of the lowest intact CDS counts of any similar cyanobacteria sequenced (9).

Interesting Features:
The genome contains 2 plasmids, and is approximately made up of 31.2% Pseudogenes, most likely due to its nature as an integral symbiont. N. Azollae is considered an obligate, usually surviving in the highly sheltered environment provided by its host. The current information from the sequences suggests that the genome is degrading even today (9). Among the psuedogenes is the DNA replication initiator, implying N. Azolla has difficulties in reproduction. The current genome suggests that the role of N. Azollae as a nitrogen fixation microbe has been made obligatory, which benefits its host most of all. Although N. Azollae can live beyond their host, it comes at great difficulty and stops their growth(9).

Cell Structure, Metabolism and Life Cycle

Cell Structure:
N. Azollae typically grow as filamentous, extracellular heterocysts. These cells are excellent sources of nitrogen fixation within their cell, and it is estimated that these sites fix more than three times the amount of nitrogen than a legume-rhizobium symbiosis (4). In addition to heterocysts, N. Azolla is fully capable of forming two additional cell types, hormogonia and akinete, to assist in the vertical transfer of the microbe during the reproduction of its host (2). Hormogonia are smaller, motile cells that allow for movement for the cell, while akinete are smaller, dormant states of N. Azollae which carry its genes, allowing it to be passed on to the new potential host during reproduction (2).

Life Cycle and Metabolism:
One of the most fascinating aspects of N. Azollae is that it is vertically transferred from one host to the next, unlike nearly any sort of plant-microbe symbiosis seen. In effect, the two, both microbe and host, have co-evolved together for thousands upon thousands of years. The fern Azolla filiculoides grows at a fraction of the rate in the wild without its microbe partner, and N. Azolla cannot reproduce without its host (4). The degree to which the two parties depend on eachother is astounding, similarly with the fact that they exist in partnership since birth. For Metabolism, N. Azollae is a chemotroph, deriving its energy from sunlight, but it also gains a great deal of its essential nutrients from its plant host, who supplies it with fixed carbon while it in turn produces nitrogen (2).

Ecology and Pathogenesis

N. azollae, like most of the Nostoc genus, inhabits freshwater, tropical, temperate, and polar terrestrial systems, but are rarely found in marine environments (2).



[Sample reference] Takai, K., Sugai, A., Itoh, T., and Horikoshi, K. "Palaeococcus ferrophilus gen. nov., sp. nov., a barophilic, hyperthermophilic archaeon from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent chimney". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2000. Volume 50. p. 489-500.







8. Handbook of Cyanobacteria



Page authored by John Weglarz, student of Prof. Jay Lennon at IndianaUniversity.