Sulfolobus islandicus rod-shaped virus 2

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By Andrew Van Horn


Sulfolobus islandicus rod-shaped virus 2 (SIRV2) is a lytic double-stranded DNA archaeal virus that infects Sulfolobus archaea [1] [2]. SIRV2 falls into the greater taxonomy of the Rudiviridae family. Microbiologists have taken interest in SIRV2 due to its thermophilic and acidophilic properties needed to infect Sulfolobus. SIRV2 displays unique properties from many other viruses [1]. These include a unique viral release mechanism of which there are very few similar structures found in the natural world. Furthermore, SIRV2 is a lytic virus that acts by severely degrading host chromosomes. Additionally, SIRV2 is commonly at the forefront of the generally limited field of archaeal viral research [3][4].

Sulfolobus islandicus Archaeon

Sulfolobus islandicus is an archaeon commonly found in Icelandic sulfur hot springs [5]. S. islandicus is a member of the Sulfolobaceae family and the Sulfolobales order. Once more, S. islandicus is a member of the Crenaracheota kingdom of the phylum Archaea. S. islandicus thrives in extreme environments of acidic pH 3 and high temperatures around 80°C. Notably, the intracellular pH of S. islandicus is only slightly acidic, approximately pH 6. Additionally, S. islandicus metabolizes sulfur, though the methods can vary between strains and species [6]. Sulfur metabolism can be done through sulfur oxygenase/reductase and sulfur reductase, among others. However, the extensive methods of sulfur metabolism in S. islandicus are poorly understood.


Viral Life Cycle


Genome Replication

Virion Release

Anti-CRISPR Defense Mechanisms

CRISPR-editing of the SIRV2 Genome




Authored for BIOL 238 Microbiology, taught by Joan Slonczewski, 2022, Kenyon College