Human Chromosomal Integration of Latent State Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV-6)

From MicrobeWiki, the student-edited microbiology resource

By: Kerri-Lynn Conrad


Figure 1. Transmission electron micrograph visualization of Human Herpes Virus-6 (HHV-6) on the surface of a human lymphocyte. HHV-6 is the causative agent of roseola, a disease that effects nearly every human infant.

Genomic Structure of HHV-6

Figure 2. Genomic organization of HHV-6B. The asterisk indicates the start of lytic genomic replication. Viral telomeric sequences are indicated by green bars T1 and T2. Open arrows represent protein coding regions.

HHV-6 is an enveloped, linear double stranded DNA virus. The genome is 160 to 162 kB in size, with a 143-144 kB unique region (1, 2). The unique region is flanked by 8-9 kB terminal direct repeats at each end, which contain repeats of the hexanucleotide sequence GGGTTA, identical to the telomeric sequences of vertebrate chromosomes (3, 4).

The genome has a cluster of seven gene blocks that are conserved among all herpesviruses, as well as the US22 gene family, conserved in other β-herpesviruses such as CMV and HHV-7 (5, 6). Although the function of the US22 gene family is not fully understood, it has been found that members of this gene family may act as transactivators, enhancing and increasing HHV-6 viral gene expression (7).

The products of HHV-6 genes U27, U41, U43, U74, U77, and U73 are involved in viral replication. The protein product of gene U27 encodes the DNA polymerase processivity factor, binding to DNA polymerase and thus, enhances the rate of viral genome transcription. Gene U41 encodes a single stranded DNA binding protein, also facilitating DNA polymerase's interaction with the viral genome. The protein products of genes U43, U74, and U77 produce a viral helicase-primase complex that facilitates replication of the viral genome. Additionally, the origin-binding protein produced by gene U73 also aids in genomic DNA replication. HHV-6 attachment to host cells is facilitated by viral surface proteins gB and gH, encoded by viral genes U39 and U48, respectively (8).

Unique to HHV-6 among all other herpesviruses are genes U83 and U94. Gene U83 encodes a chemokine that uses signaling mechanisms such as calcium fluxes to recruit lymphocytes and macrophages for productive or latent infection (9). Gene U94 encodes protein product RepH6, which binds the human TATA-binding protein, where it has an effect on regulation of viral gene expression and viral DNA replication. Furthermore, RepH6 has been shown to play a role in latent stage infections, as it is transcribed in latently infected lymphocytes (10).

There are two variants of HHV-6; HHV-6A and HHV-6B. HHV-6A and HHV6B share an overall nucleotide sequence identity of approximately 90%. HHV-6A has 110 ORFs, while HHV-6B has 119 ORFs. Major genomic differences between the two strains lie in the direct repeat regions near the ends of the viral genome, as well as in the proteins encoded by genes U86-U100 in the early stage of infection. The differences observed in early stage viral proteins are the result of the splicing patterns unique to each viral variant (11, 12).

HHV-6 Replication Cycle

Figure 3. Replication cycle of HHV-6.

To initiate viral replication, HHV-6A and HHV-6B glycoproteins gH, gL, gQ, and gB attach to host cell surface receptor CD46. All nucleated cells in the human body contain CD46, and thus, the range of host cells for HHV-6 is expansive. The nucleocapsid of HHV-6 is then transported to the host cell's nucleus via the cellular microtubule network. Viral DNA is then released into the nucleus (12).

Expression of the viral genome requires utilization of host transcriptional and translational machinery. Like other herpesviruses, both variants of HHV-6 express initial early (IE), early (E), and late (L) stage proteins. IE proteins, encoded by viral genes U86, U89, U95, U16-U-19, and U3, are expressed immediately after infection and are involved in regulation of subsequent viral gene expression. Early proteins, encoded by viral genes such as U27, U41, U43/U74/U77, U73, and U94 are required for replication of the viral genome and virion assembly. Late stage proteins often become incorporated into mature virions. An example of a late HHV-6 protein is that encoded by viral gene U83, which helps to establish latent infection (8, 9, 12).

Viral DNA replication takes places in the host cell nucleus, by means of the rolling circle mechanism characteristic of herpesviruses. Virions are packaged and assembled within the host nucleus. Virus particles bud out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm, where acquire tegument proteins encoded by viral genes U31 and U54. After tegument acquisition, the virions travel to the Golgi, where they are enveloped with glycoproteins gH, gL, gQ, and gB. Mature HHV-6 particles are then released from the cell via exocytosis (Figure 3).


Seroprevalence of HHV-6 is estimated to range between 90-95% in the adult population of the world. It has been shown that antibody titers and thus seropositivity can decrease with increasing age (13). Seroprevalence in the world is rapidly approaching 100%, with the exception of Morocco, where only 20% of individuals are seropositive (14).

Initial HHV-6 infection usually occurs within the first 6 to 15 months of life, with peak infection rates observed in infants 6 to 9 months of age, after the protection of maternal antibodies cease (15). Although there is no serologic test to distinguish HHV-6A and HHV-6B, it is believed that HHV-6B is more seroprevalent, causing the majority of clinically observed infections. HHV-6A seropositivity is usually observed in immunocompromised individuals or in adult patients who display clinical signs of exanthema subitum (roseola) (8, 12, 16).

HHV-6 transmission likely occurs through saliva, as HHV-6 can replicate readily in the epithelial cells of the salivary glands. This mode of transmission is especially likely for HHV-6B, as almost all saliva samples analyzed for HHV-6 contain the HHV-6B variant (5, 17). Germ line transmission of HHV-6 can occur, and is observed in approximately 2% of births (18).

Pathophysiology of HHV-6 Infection

Figure 4. HHV-6 infection results in roseola, often diagnosed by a characteristic red rash. The roseola rash can form as either raised bumps or can be flat. It is non-contagious and is usually found on the neck, abdomen, back, and trunk, but can also be present on the arms and legs

There are 3 recognized stages of HHV-6 infection. Initial HHV-6 infection most often occurs within children 6 to 15 months old and is generally the only symptomatic period most infected individuals will experience. Latent infection persists in the lymphocytes and monocytes of healthy adults and children. The virus shows no sign of pathology during this stage and individuals remain asymptomatic. Although infrequent, reactivation of the latently infected virus or re-infection in immunocompromised individuals can occur, causing a recurrence of symptoms [8, 12].

Initial Infection

HHV-6 infection observed in infants and young children is almost always caused by variant HHV-6B. HHV-6B can infect a wide range of host cells because of the prevalence of host cell receptor CD46. However, HHV-6B most often replicates in CD46 coated CD4+ T lymphocytes during initial infection(8).

Initial infection is characterized by a febrile illness, with fever temperatures nearing or exceeding 40°C (104°F). HHV-6 infection accounts for 10-40% of hospital admissions of infants with high fevers (19). The fever can last for 3-7 days and then rapidly terminates. After cessation of the fever, approximately 17% of infected infants develop exanthema subitum, commonly known as roseola (20). The rash persists for 1-2 days, and is not a means of transmission. The rash generally causes no discomfort to the child (21).

In addition to high fever and in fewer cases, the development of exanthema subitum, HHV-6 infection can cause fatigue, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract symptoms. Approximately 10% of children in the initial stage of HHV-6 infection experience febrile seizures (12). High levels of viral titer have been isolated from the brain and cerebrospinal fluid, and can be associated with rare CNS symptoms, such as encephalitis (8, 12).

Latency in Healthy Children and Adults

Reactivation in Immunocompromised Individuals

HHV-6 and Associated Disease States

Latency through Human Chromosomal Integration

Figure 5.FISH visualization of HHV-6 integration into the telomere region of chromosome 9 in metaphase and interphase cells.

Transmission through Germ Line

Future Work


Edited by Kerri-Lynn Conrad, student of Joan Slonczewski for BIOL 375 Virology, 2010, Kenyon College.